I had a crazy busy weekend, luckily it was all fun.
Friday night a bunch of us did totally Rock out. I was a little worried about playing on hard and I felt justifiable in that when I crashed out of my second song spectacularly. Thankfully Forrest, who could see both my playing and the TV realized that there was some lag. So the guitar got switched out and it turns out that I was not a sucky as I feared I might be. Don't get me wrong - I'm still not ready for any Metallica.
Willow made it down. Rock On! I think she was pleased by the Nine Inch Nails downloads.Zoe & Forrest filled out the trio of singers in our group. Jayne stepped up a couple of times and even Xander sang his song, Sabotage, saving my butt when I was playing.
And of course, like true Rockstars we were up to 3am. No big, except that I was getting up early for the EOS work day.
Good times. The weather held out, it ended up being rather nice out with only occasionally showers. We got the barn all resorted and labeled. Once again. Let's see how long that lasts for.
Then Saturday night it was down to Molly Darcy's for Xander's birthday. I didn't end up taking lots of pictures - but I did take a video of him opening his gift. Unfortunately it was too dark or else I'd post it. Wes & I went in on a gift. A facehugger and an ipod. The facehugger had to do with his
dream. If only I could have fit it in a faberge egg :) Instead I put the ipod in the egg. And I filled it with music before giving it to him, because you know he'd just sit there with a brand new ipod paperweight.
It was a small group to start out, but more people arrived over the course evening. Andrew was even there - don't get to see him that often. And Kennedy made it down after an even longer ass day. It was good to see her!!!:)
So let's see what are some snip-its from this evening:
Kennedy and I are life-mates now! :)
Jayne pimps out Saffron for Guinness. Yup, he sends her out to dance with men as long as they buy her beer (for him)!
Xander named his facehugger Kurt. Which he says he will snuggle and sleep with. Yeah...
Xander & Knox played the game dibs. And discussed the rules of it and those who do not respect "the dibs".
Knox getting hit on by way too many guys!!! :)