Now you're gone it's as if the whole wide world is my stage.

May 10, 2009 16:31

my life is fucking amazing and i'm so so so so lucky

I love my friends and family so much. I was reflecting while I was driving home from Mark's this afternoon how fucking lucky I am to be surrounded by such beautiful, different, funny, unique, amazing, intelligent people. The people that I spend my time with have improved my life so much, I'm not even close to the sad person I was last year. I don't think I'd recognise her if I saw her on the street.

So this is a shout out.

Thankyou for being the best friend I've ever had in my life. I trust you with my whole self. I can be myself in front of you and not put on any disguises at all. I want to wrap you up in cotton wool so nothing ever hurts you, but I want to watch you keep figuring yourself out at the same time. I'm so proud of you.

Thankyou for being the best mother in the world. Your struggles and your determination to fix yourself and us in the process. Thankyou for not giving up on me when I had to leave. Thankyou for forgiving me for leaving you alone with him. Thankyou for loving me and being my inspiration to succeed and make a better life for everyone.

Thankyou for being the best little brother in the world. Your sense of humour, protectiveness and intelligence make my little heart sing. You are a beautiful person inside and out, and I'm glad that we're as close as we are.

Thankyou for being with me. I can spend days at a time living out of your pocket and miss you when I get home, but it's not codependency. This is the most even-handed, rational, logical, accommodating and genuine 'thing like this' I've ever had. There's so much about you that I find amazing - your brain, your spirit, your funniness and sensitivity. You have the kindest nature of anyone I've ever met in my life. You're so considerate and have such a strong sense of justice, and so friendly to everyone around you. Plus you're hotasfuck. <3

Thankyou housemates, for making me laugh all the time and for doing your best to make this a sweet little friendly house to live in. I like coming home to funny stories, and I like the real (to my mind, anyway) sense of 'family' in a weird way that has developed.

There's so many people left that I haven't mentioned, so many deserving and wonderful people who have and continue to improve my life on a daily basis. I am untouchable at the moment in terms of positivity and determination, I've never been this sure of myself in my life. So, I'd like to close with the immortal words of MC Hammer -

You can't touch this.
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