May 04, 2009 19:54
Here are the rules.
1. No negative thoughts. Not one. About anyone, about anything, about everything, about myself. If I start to think about something negatively I have to punish myself somehow.
2. No negative words. About anything or anyone, including myself.
3. One good thing everyday. A walk by myself, an icecream, a movie I love to bits and can recite every word of.
4. One good deed everyday. Giving someone change if they're short at the shops, letting in people who are trying to merge lanes, putting someone else first.
5. Give one compliment everyday. "You look nice" said out loud rather than just thinking it, or letting someone know something that I've always admired about them but never told them.
6. Keep my car clean and cared for.
7. Drink more water.
8. Push myself everyday to go the extra mile at work, rather than resting or saying 'That's enough, someone else can do the rest' or 'That's not part of my job, someone else can do that'.
9. Look to the future everyday and smile.
10. Look to the past everyday and accept mistakes that I've made and figure out ways to avoid making them again.
Follow follow follow the rules. Be a good girl, keep your nose clean.