Every day is like this day.

Nov 18, 2009 14:15

I have cramps. For someone who spent the better part of my life ignoring menstruation as much as humanly possible, I seem to have now become someone who can't stop talking about it. How can I better predict it, to stave off my big-show-on-first-day curse? Ever since I learned that my period had an enormous effect on my voice, and that singing through the swelling could cause serious damage to my vocal cords, I have been more concerned with the whole hateful affair. (And for the record: I'm not disgusted by my own body, or by blood. I'm just disgusted by the implications of dominant menstrual discourses and weird celebrations of "femininity" and "womanhood" as somehow epitomized by menstruation in all of its love-it-hate-it-deal-with-it-pain-cycle-of-lifetime-special-ness.) anyway. today i have cramps. i managed to fend this shit off til today, when it should have hit squarely on Hartzveytik! day. (I'm honing my witching every day. i think i just scared an engineer by predicting her oatmeal preferences.)

Yesterday, I got a voice mail from Stephen King and Carrie Fisher was in the building -- now THAT was a special day in audiobookland. Today, not so much. Today is just cramps, googling for Hartzveytik reviews, hoping to drum up some news, wasting time on facebook quizzes, associate producing a really crappy y.a. audiobook.

Why are people such a chronic let-down? Would it be better to watch jeopardy and 90210 every day? The new 90210 is fantastic this season and frankly, I'd rather be finding out just how psycho Annie's new bf Jasper is, than dealing with drama. Except, you know, I say that when i'm bitching, but of course it isn't true. I mean, i would definitely like a 3-week 90210 marathon, but not instead of dealing with stuff. I'm just really disgusted by people's behavior... the unwillingness of so many to apologize substantively and deal. It gets me so irritated that I start thinking mean, stupid thoughts. And longing for only soup and tv. Perhaps it's fortunate that such a life is totally not an option for me! yes, yes, it is.

Oh f, i have to run to the Mets protest now if I'm gonna make it.
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