potentially triggering for SK megafans

Jan 21, 2009 16:22

i set out to share some examples of inexplicable lyrics.
and to give you a prize if you can defend any of them.
i had this lyric in mind as a launch point:

"just like the ocean under the moon, it's the same as the emotion that i get from you, you got the kinda love that can be so smooth, give me your heart, make it real, or else forget about it"

but then i got distracted by a whole subset of horrible lyrics, produced entirely by one Sleater-Kinney and it consumed the post. i am sorry if you are a megafan and this is painful. just know that i was once the world's biggest SK megafan too and still love their music, but... but...


"those who disagree are ashamed to show their face"  - the thing is... the point they're making is already blah, but the grammar is what really kills me with this one.

"shake a tail feather for peace and love" - No Comment. UNCOMFORTABLE.

"WHY CAN'T I GET ALONG WITH YOU?" - [oh fuck this whole song is a disgrace. see below for full lyrics. I'm sorry, but this is literally the least astute 9/11 response song I've ever heard.]

"god is a number" - Ok, I should let this one slide but I can't.

"Like beggars, like whores, Like lovers, Get Up!" - What beggars? What whores? Am I missing something here?

"Do you think I'm an animal?
Am I not?
Do you like fur
Do you wanna come over
Are we captive only for a short time
Is there splendor, I'm not ashamed" -

gross! also, what?

Far Away - a travesty!
7:30 am nurse the baby on the couch
then the phone rings
"Turn on the T.V."
watch the world explode in flames
and don't leave the house
And the sky overhead
is silent, waiting
Clear blue holds its breath
And the heart is hit
in a city far away
but it feels so close
Don't breathe the air today
Don't speak of why you're afraid
(Standing here on a one way road
and I fall down,
no other direction for this to go
so we fall down)
And the president hides
while working men rush in
To give their lives
I look to the sky
and ask it not to rain
On my family tonight

If you want to write a song about how 9/11 scares you because you have a baby... ok, write one. I probably won't want to listen to it, but go ahead. Just don't go and sprinkle it then with some extremely vague, quasi-political, semi-offensive commentary. People being perceived as Arab and/or Muslim were getting pushed off subway cars and mosques were getting shot up... but Corin's lyrics ponder "why can't i get along with you," and asks it not to rain on her family tonight. ugh... i can't abide by that.

racism, music

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