
Dec 14, 2005 15:53

Point/Counter-point (adj./noun)

Origin: The Onion

Integrated into common usage: by the Solomon Sisters, Circa 2000

The usually strategic, though sometimes accidental, inane juxtaposition of ostensibly "opposing viewpoints," which are in fact unrelated and/or not in conversation with one another AT ALL and/or intentionally distract from positions held or arguments made by an opponent. Any response to an argument which makes you say "wait a minute, that has NOTHING to do with what I just said, you fool."

e.g.: 1) Editorial spread consisting of "Life Begins at Conception" vs. "Life Begins at 40." Now THAT's point/counter-point.
e.g.: 2) Conversation in which the union asserts "we will not tolerate merit increases because they are divisive and undermine our demand for an annual increase for all employees," and Management responds "merit increases encourage better performance." That is *so* point/counter-point.

Qualite' (adj.) (my keyboard skills are so NOT qualite' as to require me substituting an apostrophe for the accent that belongs over the E.)

Origin: unknown. Possibly from a particular brand of wet-naps bearing the same name.

Integrated into common usage: by the Solomon Sisters, originally circa 1994, reinvoked circa 2004.

Of or pertaining to wholesome goodness with marked bourgeois connotations, inherently alienating to me, often w/ marked liberal connotations.

e.g.: Terra Blues, off-white, activists who are always happy, yoga pants, anything that could be described as tastefully messy, The Park Slope Food Co-Op, anyone in good standing at the Park Slope Food Co-Op, Angelica Kitchen, NOW, being anti-makeup, being anti-porn [i just realized this would make an incredible category in $25,000 pyramid!], muted colors, obsessive cleanliness, no worse yet - people who just smell like shampoo ALL THE TIME, people who academically/anthropologically "take an interest in" social movements though have no interest in taking part in them, etc.

Colonial Rage (noun/verb)

Origin: Colonialism.

Integrated into common usage: c. 2001 by the Solomon Sisters et al.

The reationary display of latent, deep deep investment in maintaining any form of oppressive power, usually triggered by some sort of outside stimuli. Manifestations are explosive and often include indignant proclamations in the tradition of Point/Counter-Point.
e.g.: Calm, calm, calm liberal white man Just Can't Take Any More of this TALKING ABOUT RACISM!!!! ENOUGH ALREADY. (And then yr like, dude, I didn't know your face could get that red and I *certainly* didn't know you could make that much noise, damn. Colonial rage often dethrones "sensitive man" posturing.)

JPTS (noun)

Origin: First heard by me at a JATO mtg circa 2002.

Integrated into common usage: Circa 2002, by some kind of funny fuckin scandal-mongers.

Jewish Process Trauma Syndrome. Any of innumerable manifestations of Jewish anxiety generally focused on Palestine, Israel, guilt and/or The Holocaust.

e.g.: "Woah, that guy always fronts like he's so prog. on Israel, and then I just *mentioned* right of return and he's all colonial raging about how "they" are going to push "us" into the sea?! He must be totally mired in some kind of JPTS."

Hol-accost (verb)

Origin: My days spent in the Visitor Services department of the Museum of Jewish Heritage: A Living Memorial to the Holocaust.

Integrated into common usage: Circa 11/03. by me. obviously.

1)To be verbally, visually or physically accosted by the ultimately right wing agenda of the Holocaust Industry.
2)To be saturated with Holocaust images, sounds, talk against your will.
3)The wielding of "The Holocaust" as the trump card in political/historical discussion, the assertion of the unique importance of The Holocaust above all other historical atrocities.

e.g.: The use of "6,000,000" (just the #, on its own) as a refutation of any argument about Palestine, as in Person A: "the occupation is illegal and unjust." Person B: "but 6 MEEELLION!!!!"

Intellectual/Moral/Philosophical Bankruptcy (adj.)
Origin: Palestinian map aboutthe viability of ROR, refers to the Kibbutz movement.

Integrated into common usage: Circa one month ago, by me.

Self-explanatory. But comical. To be used when a concept is so bereft of any dignity that you can barely engage it on its own terms or begin to create your own on which to do so.

e.g.:The kibbutz movement is intellectually/morally/philosophically bankrupt. enough said.

Sensitive Man (noun, occasional verb, as in "stop sensitive man-ing around!")

Origin: Unknown. There is a distinct chance this dates to The Beginning of Time. Conversely, some have carbon dated the phenom to the day the Proto-Yoga Pant debuted.

Integrated into common usage: Way back. For me, circa 1994. Others must have coined it circa 1963 at latest though.

Part 1) Any of innumerable sub-variants including *at minimum* the following: assigned male, male identified, self-identified as "unlike Other Men" while demonstrating no meaningful accountability to feminist struggles with latent colonial MAN rage.
Part 2)But *usually also* including at least 3 of the following qualities: straight as an arrow, Qualite', soft-spoken, space-dominating WHILE being simultaneously self-invisibilizing, white man expressing really liberally-couched racism through differentiating his sensitive self from hyper-masculinized men of color, being anti-sports not because of gym class trauma but just cuz they're "objectively" "dumb," *loving* Ani, *horrible* fashion, etc.
Part 3)*Additional Common Variables* include: punk rock, indie rock, emo, singer-songwriter, self deprication/self-aggrandizement, inexplicable after-the-fact identification with Riot Grrrl.

e.g.: 1) "I sure do enjoy myself some Elliott Smith, but he was def. a sensitive man icon."

racism, misogyny, colonialism, family, judaism, music, jewish institutions, anti-semitism, combatliberalism, zionism, lexicon

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