Feb 02, 2004 21:19
I haven't written in this thing in absolutely forever, and actually if Kt hadn't of yelled at me I probably still would not have ever thought to write again. *Thank you Kt* Anyway, since my last publication *haha* so very much has changed. I am finishing up at SFCC, June 18 is my last day and I'll have my AA!
Whoa, well I'll start where my life has changed the most. I'm not dating Keith anymore, it didn't work out. I'm with Allen now :D, the dude I dated 2 years ago online. He came down for 7 months, from june 2003 to the beginning of Jan 2004. I went to meet him in late nov. or early dec, can't recall now. Anyway we really clicked, **WHOA**, and that was it, the feelings were there and everything. Soo he's back in Ohio, I'm here and it really sucks, *really*.
Kt is at Flagler, Brandy at Lee, and Tai, ugh I'm still in this poopy lil town of Avon Park, how did this come to be? Not for too much longer though. Ive been scheming on ways of getting out of here. First I applied to Cedar Point in Ohio, *yes there is a connection there with Allen, big plus*, then I wanted to be in the Air Force, and now I guess I'm just going to go to FSU in the fall. They have a great school for criminology and criminal justice, but I have to hurry and get in!
Now, about my employment status. This is sticky. There is no job! Ah! I was at Rubys for about 4 or 5 months, got sick of it and quit. Before that I was hired at Sears, did one day of training and didn't go back. Sears called back saying I could apply for a different position, went in for an interview, got the job then quit. I know, I suck. After my Rubys experience, I got a job at Paul's Harborside and that sucked. I worked one night, a very very looong night, then quit. The owners were very nice but the whole night I got screwed, I'm pretty sure someone stole my tips and there were possible lesbians working there.
My life is so dramatic, the more I run from drama, the more it bites me in the butt. I feel like just crawling in a hole and sleeping for a long time. I've undergone a transformation since the last time I wrote in here. I was so unhappy. It got worse when I broke it off with Keith, now that was the worst time of my life! But its been great since I just decided to be happy. Its true that you have to decide to get upset, and the only person that can control your feelings is you!
Well I have so much to write about, but thats it for now :D. Thank you Kt for reminding me about this, *hounding is more like it :P *