How To Catch An Angel (1/7)

Sep 13, 2016 22:15

Title: How To Catch An Angel (1/7)
Author: lotusk
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Jongin/Kyungsoo, Side Sehun/Chanyeol, Side Luhan/Minseok
Length: 4.6k words
Summary: Kyungsoo aims his arrow at a demon and shoots down a golden-winged angel instead. Urban fantasy!AU, soulmates!AU
Warnings: mild violence, gods, demons, language
Notes: Written for the_EXORDIUM 2016

Warrior angels lived to soar through the skies and already, Jongin’s skin was thrumming with anticipation--his scalp longing for the sensation of the cold wind coursing through his hair, his wings aching for the resistance of air currents.

genre: supernatural, pairing: d.o./kai, genre: romance, length: chaptered, genre: action, rating: nc-17

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