Apr 14, 2011 16:02
Day Three: Your views on drugs and alcohol.
Never taken drugs - I hate hate hate the smell of cigarettes (all kinds) - makes me queasy.
I like a drink every now and then - try not to get too drunk as I don't really like to not have control over what I'm doing (or spending time reliving whatever I've had to eat and drink that day.) Plus alcohol = expensive, and I have a US holiday to save for!
But I actually find the different attitudes to drinking interesting - like how they say binge drinking is not a problem in countries like France, where they enjoy a good wine but don't do the whole 'drink to get drunk' thing. I'm not sure if that true, but it's interesting all the same.
I guess you can say I'm a learned drinker - I'm not that found of the taste of alcohol and so am a bit of a wimp when it comes to the harder stuff - I stick to the wine and the vodka-based drinks. And cocktails.
But you're pretty much a pariah here if you don't drink, so...