Random thoughts are random

Sep 11, 2008 09:48

Just finished reading The True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey - quite good really, once I got used to the style - it also made me go back and re-watch Ned Kelly (the Heath Ledger version) which is usually panned, but looking back I think it's a pretty good film.  Even Orlando Bloom wasn't bad in it (maybe the Irish accent made him seem less wooden?)  And Joel Edgerton is an underrated actor as far as I'm concerned (there's more to him than Owen Lars :D)

Next up on my to watch list is The Wind that Shakes the Barley, which was recommended to me by a few people in Ireland.  I'm just contemplating actually buying it, since I generally don't buy dvds I haven't seen before, but I saw the special edition for £10 yesterday...

Bought another Philippa Gregory book, because it was half price, signed and I am weak.  I still have some issues with her characterisation, but might save that for a later entry.

Sir Lord Baron (?) Richard Attenborough has said E.T should have won more Oscars than his own Gandhi.  I get what he's saying but, personally, I don't get E.T.  Yeah, it is a sweet film and all, but I never felt the magic or epicness that it attributed to it.  Maybe it is because as a child the entire sequence where E.T is sick and white and lying by that river really upset me.  It's just one of those films that I just don't connect with but everyone else seems to love - like Gladiator.    

randomness, film, books

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