Fic meme

Aug 30, 2008 16:20

Fic meme that’s been floating around.

Post the first line from your 25 most recent fanfics and try to find a pattern.

1.    Marian chased her rambunctious son through the front door of Locksley Manor, while trying to juggle the bundle of cloth in her arms.

2.    When they first met, neither of them had been ready.

3.    She said the words, and the world shrank in around her.

4.    When Robin of Locksley arrives in the Holy Land, he sees the path before him filled with glory.

5.    Luke never speaks of his aunt and uncle.

6.    “What are you going to do when people don’t need you anymore?”

7.    Djaq was enjoying the peace of (for once) an empty camp, when her equilibrium was disturbed by Marian emerging from the woods.

8.    There were a few moments, after Han had been dragged from his cell and Luke had threatened Jabba, that they were all alone in the dark corridors of the palace, waiting to be loaded onto the skiff that would take them to their deaths.

9.     The first time Much saw Marian his back was against the wall, as was his station, as the Lady Fitzwalter showed his mistress her first born child.

10.  She let the veil fall from her face as the soldier appraised her, and ignored the hungry look in his eye.

11.  Marian wore flowers in her hair the day she married Robin Hood in the Holy Land, small blossoms that gleamed a pure white under the eastern sun.

12.  Lando hadn’t intended to fall in love with Mara Jade.

13.  The first time he tries to kill Guy of Gisborne, he’s trapped by circumstance.

14.  Marian ran down the hills leading away from Locksley, the long grass beating against her ankles.

15.  “Do you ever feel guilty?”

16.   “Where are you going?”

17.  Ben Skywalker raced down the hallway from his bedroom, anxious to find his parents and inform them of his triumph.

18.  He hates her because it’s her own damn fault she’s dead.

19.  "You can't save everyone."

20.  The only thing Luke never forgot about Tatooine was the heat.

21.  Ignoring the sharp burning in her lungs, Jedi Master Mara Jade Skywalker pumped her legs even faster, running through the jungle with an entire native army on her tail.

22.  Coruscant was too loud.

23.  The strain showed in Leia’s voice, and Lando could see that the knuckles gripping Han’s arm were white.

24.  “Are you sure about this?”

25.  Luke couldn’t believe he was spending his anniversary party, which he had been assured would be kept low-key, watching a scantily-clad Twi’lek rank galactic sexiness with his closest friends.

Patterns:  Well, it seems I either start with a line of dialogue, or it consists of ‘this person felt this while doing this and this.’  Hmmmm.  Looking back, I’m not entirely happy with quite a lot of these, where a few I quite like.  It’s good to reflect a bit (and read old fic, which is rather...interesting.)

writing, meme, fanfic

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