There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than dreamt of in your philosophy

Aug 06, 2008 19:22

 Went to Cardiff last weekend, where the sun miraculously appeared for us.  Of course, now it is raining again.  But visited the Doctor Who exhibition and 'Torchwood Three Tower' at Cardiff Bay.

The Doctor's blue suit, which is even skinnier up close.  Lovely fabric, though.


Jack's costume.  Not sure why this one looks so strange...

Anne Droid.  Heh.

Weeping Angel.  Very cool looking.

Dalek.  I bought a little plastic version of this, because I am very very sad.  And it had rollers!

K-9 for the win.

So shiny....

Some more shiny...Torchwood Tower in the Roald Dahl Plass, which is actually a water fountain.  It wasn't on during the day, but it came on at night and I was stupid enough to stand under it and get a tad drenched.

The red strawberries were actually promoting the festival that was on in town that weekend.  It kind of ruined the effect, as well as being quite random.  But amusing.  And yes, I was a fangirl and stepped on the keystone or secret lift or whatever it is...

The reviews for the RSC's Hamlet are starting to come out, and I was not suprised to see the Daily Fail Mail finding something to complain about.

Obviously this guy Queintin Letts didn't agree with many critics that are praising DT to the skies.  That's fine.  I think Hamlet is a character that people respond to in different ways and is capable of producing so many different interpretations.  Obviously Tennant didn't give the interpretation he liked.  That's fine as well.  But if there's one thing I hate, it is a Shakespeare snob.  Yes, much of Shakespeare's work is brilliant - it was also the pop culture of its day, and I hate it when literary toffs act like it everything that has come after must be measured up to it (and ultimately, found wanting.)

He describes DT's Hamlet as "a sarcastic Hamlet, a selfish Hamlet, a Hamlet very much for our self-indulgent age."  Erm...perhaps that was the point?  Hamlet, at least to me, was always sarcastic, selfish and indulgent - he was no sweet prince.  But Letts also seemed to take issue with the cuts made to the play - well, not everyone wants to stage a four-hour Hamlet like the Branagh film, which (while I adore it) was actually longer than any version of the play ever performed.  Maybe the trimming was to focus the story and character more?  He is mostly annoyed at the cutting of Fortinbras at the end, which, well - he did enter the stage, and it was a moving moment (imo) that didn't really need to lines to get the message across.

But this is my favourite quote:

"Maybe it's because he's such a TV pin-up or maybe his interpretation of Hamlet (light on power-politics, heavier on personal hiatus) is likely to appeal more to the female mind."

That right, ladies.  No politics for us.

fangirliness, pics, doctor who, shakespeare

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