
Jul 22, 2008 18:10

Responses to the drabble meme posted earlier.

Title: Friendly Fire

Fandom: Star Wars

Request: Luke Leia, sibling angst

Requested by: angel_gidget

Sometimes she hates him - being a Jedi.

She remembers her father speaking with such reverence about them, building them up to be some mystical, infallible beings.

But Luke and his Order is so very fallible - like her children - two dead, and the other irrevocably scarred. She understands that the Jedi are no better, no more powerful or invulnerable than the rest of the universe. She hates them for pretending that they are.

The worst part is that he knows she hates him - knows, and yet accepts it. She wonders if it is because deep down, he feels the same way.

Title: Ticklish

Fandom: Star Wars

Request: Luke/Mara

Requested by: gabri_jade

Mara doesn’t like to be tickled. The first time he tries it he is met with a stony look that warns him off attempting the playful gesture again.

It is not that she doesn’t like to be touched - just not like that.

“What makes you think someone would like to be...discomforted like that?” she asks him, irritated.

He shrugs. “I don’t know. Try it on me if you like.”

She does, and he giggles theatrically.

“You sound like a four year old girl, Skywalker,” she tells him. But he amuses her - and almost against her will, it makes her smile.

Title: Freefall

Fandom: Robin Hood

Request: Robin/Marian

Requested by: ohxlucia

When they were children, he used to goad her into climbing trees. She would scamper to the very top branches, determined to best him, until the bark cut her skin and she inevitably tumbled back to the ground. And he would always be there at the bottom, ready to catch her, or heal her wounds with a kiss.

He reminds her of this when they are adults, a reassurance as he pulls her back into his arms - his life - his love. I’ll always be there to catch you.

He doesn’t understand that he is the one who makes her fall.

Title: Banter

Fandom: Robin Hood

Request: Robin/Marian (two of these as I felt the first one was too angsty)

Requested by: ohxlucia

“Robin, this is ridiculous. You have to start treating me like everyone else - like one of the lads. ”

“Marian, I could never think of you as one of the lads.”

“Is it because I’m a woman? Djaq’s a woman, and you treat her the same as the others.”

“That’s because I don’t have....impure thoughts about Djaq.”

“Come now, we both know that’s not true.”

“You think I just can’t help myself? “

“That’s exactly what I think.”

“I think you know me too well.”

“Irritating isn’t it?”

“Ah, it’s only because you love me so much.”

“Oh, hush."

Title: Early Days

Fandom: Star Wars

Request: Han, Leia

Requested by: valkyriesword

Somehow, Leia always ended up offending him. She just couldn’t help but let him know all the qualities she found unbearable. Usually he took it with good grace and an equally cutting remark. Usually.

“If I am such an imposition, maybe I should just leave,” he threatened one day. When she made no reaction, he added; “Permanently.”

“No!” She composed herself. “Don’t.”

“Why, Princess?”

“Because...Luke looks up to you so.”

“And you don’t need anyone to look up to?”

“No. I don’t.” Of that, she was certain.

“But Luke does.”

She hesitated. “Yes.”

“Well,” he smiled, “for Luke’s sake then.”


I am still taking requests if anyone would like me to write them a drabble.

robin/marian, star wars, luke/mara, fanfic, robin hood

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