"I'm Doctor Martha Jones, who the hell are you?"

May 10, 2008 20:22

I was a bit meh on the whole Sontaran storyline, but really liked this weeks episode (and from the preview, I thought I would hate it)

Top marks for surprising me with the origin of the 'daughter'.  I may be dense, but I actually thought it was going to be a long-lost child rather than a ready-made soldier from the Doctor's DNA.

Donna, I love you.  You are too awesome for words.  Saving the day again with your mad logic and numbers skillz.  I thought the friendship between Donna and Martha was wonderful - Donna really does seem to warm to people quickly, her indignation at being cut off from Martha, and then her adoption of Jenny.  I also want to see her use her 'wiles' this season :D

Jenny.  She was not as annoying as I was expecting, but the uber flips through the lasers?  Please, show.  That is not only Mary Sue-esque, it's not even original.  There's a reason it was parodied in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, you know.

Honestly, I didn't really believe the connection between Jenny and the Doctor at the end, or rather, the Doctor's grief/almost losing it (even if it was just making a point).  I realise that it probably was more to do with all of the people he has lost and more specifically his 'real' daughter/family, but still.  I didn't really buy into the moment all that much.  Although I loved loved loved the scene with Donna and the Doctor in the hallway - I almost would rather have seen a storyline revolving completely around that rather than it just being reflected on.  Although I haven't seen Classic Who, I don't know whether the family/daughter storyline has actually been explored and I should know about it or not.

"The Man Who Never Would".  Oh, Doctor.  Now you're telling people to base their society/myths/legends around you?  It was a great moment, but still.  Enough, already.

Martha was fab, as always.  Nice to see her putting her medical skills to good use, and her empathy really came across.  I was actually much more invested in her relationship with the Hath than the Doctor's with Jenny.  I was so upset when the Hath died.  And angry, really, because it was unnecessary.  I know, I know, parallel to the Doctor and his Companions, encouraging them to see new worlds and them getting hurt in the process but still.  We have already seen that Martha's had enough, we don't need the point hammered home in such a horrible way.  Why didn't they just shoot a puppy?  That was how upsetting it was for me.  Poor Hath.

I sound very negative which isn't good because I really enjoyed the episode.  I suppose you find fault in the plots you really like, whereas if you dont care enough about them, you don't notice the flaws as much.

There was another 'we're not together' joke.  I still think it's funny.

I wonder whether the regeneration at the end is setting up Jenny to become the Doctor's full-time Companion in season 5?  I didn't mind her, really, she could be fleshed out well, and there's the added nostalgia of the actress being the actual daughter of a former Doctor.  I think I'd like to see her in a recurring role, but she might grate after a while.  Still, you never know.

Agatha Christine next week - huzzah!

Top 5 Things meme taken from

Top 5 Ships

Luke/Mara (Star Wars)
Robin/Marian (Robin Hood)
Percy/Marguerite (The Scarlet Pimpernel)
Daniel/Sha're (Stargate SG-1)
Daniel/Vala (Stargate SG-1)

Top 5 Actresses (does it say something about me that this one was a real struggle?)

Maggie Smith
Emma Thompson
Vivien Leigh
Whoopi Goldberg
Cate Blanchett

Top 5 Actors

Ewan McGregor
Ioan Gruffudd
Edward Norton
Alan Rickman
Hugh Laurie

TV Shows

Robin Hood
Stargate SG-1
Battlestar Galactica
Veronica Mars


Star Wars: Original Trilogy
Fight Club
The Princess Bride
The Blues Brothers

Games (I don't play games now, these are all from when I was a kid)

The Secret of Monkey Island
Quest for Camelot
Hero's Quest
The Colonel's Bequest
Impossible Mission


Gone with the Wind
The Scarlet Pimpenel
The Princess Bride
The Last Unicorn
Les Miserables


William Shakespeare
Victor Hugo
Jane Austen
Roald Dahl
William Goldman

TV Characters

Daniel Jackson
Robin Hood
Horatio Hornblower
Gregory House
Kara Thrace

Artists (I assume this means music...)

The Beatles
John Williams
Blink 182
Eva Cassidy
My Chemical Romance

Quotes  (there are thousands, this is a sample)

"As I write, highly civilised human beings are flying overhead trying to kill me" - George Orwell

"Fuck off with your sofa units and strine green stripe patterns, I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let... lets evolve, let the chips fall where they may." - Tyler Durden, Fight Club

"Butterfingers!" - Gaius Baltar, Battlestar Galactica

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy" - Shakespeare, Hamlet

"I thought that after surviving the Holy Land, I would die by the fire in Locksley...not in some...forest...in some poxy, poxy CAVE!" - Much, Robin Hood

doctor who, meme

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