
May 07, 2008 20:39

So the internet connection in my flat has been down for about a week and I've only just been able to get back on.  I'll try to catch up with my flist and comments over the next few days.

It was 23 degrees today - absolutely gorgeous sunny day - and I was hot, well...very warm at least.  Isn't that pathetic?    What's even more pathetic is how often I post about the weather.  It's the Brits - they're infecting me :D

On the fic front, I am resolved to get cracking on finishing my Star Wars epic that's been going on for about two years, which is very sad.  The fic needs some definite closure, and soon.  I need to be done with it.  I am also going to start working on a Robin Hood multi-chaptered fic, basically an alternate season 3.  I've actually got what I hope are some good ideas on where to go with it.  I have a few other ideas for one-shots, but I'm concerned about getting burnt-out on the fandom so am going to pace myself, I think.  

randomness, brit love, writing

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