let's catch up!

May 07, 2010 11:47

So I had a few days of fun!  Let's show off the pictures!

Monday night:

Des and Lisa slept over.  I made hamburgers, smiley fries and America funfetti cupcakes.  We watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory (the new one, me and Des that is) and when Lisa came over we ate, talked and then played Super Mario Bros for a wee bit.  Um.  Yeah that was epic times XD  The three of us are better at killing each other then anything else.


We went up to the Asian Mart and got a Lotus Bun (Des), Cream Bun (me) and Royal Milk Kit-Kats (Lisa for Des).  Headed back to Barbero's for lunch, then to the train.

::flails:: why are train tickets so bloody expensive! (point in fact no one bothered to mention, until Lisa was almost at the house, that it would have been cheaper to go from her house to NYC. it just...slipped all of our minds.)

Anyhow we arrived in NYC and then had to find Alice's Tea Cup Chapter II where we would be meeting kiku  (aka: the Margie).  After much walking in the semi-wrong direction (omg why is Central Park so large) we arrived!  The place was sooo cute.  It was, obviously, Alice in Wonderland themed--with butterfly wings, glitter, quotes from the book, pictures and much more all over the place.  It was small and cozy and omg the cakes.

There's a 140 (or so) kinds of tea to choose from.  I got this one: Phoenix Dessert Blend (A marriage of Indian black tea, honey, caramel and vanilla.), the Margie got Alice's Tea (Our house blend of Indian black tea with Japanese green tea and rose petals. Smooth and subtle.) and...I'm actually uncertain which ones Des and Lisa got ;;-.-  I know they loved whatever they got, and it smelled delicious.  Have some pictures!

Des taking a picture of me taking a picture of her

the Margie sneaking pics of everyone's cups

My teapot, cup and warm chocolate cake

More of my cake--you know you're totally totally jealous Neil

My plate...five minutes later.

After Alice's we headed to Paley for the Jim Parsons Night Out.  The Good News is that we got there early enough to secure a chance at upgrading out tickets as well as buying the Margie a ticket!  The unhappy news was it cost more money ($10 a pop), so...I spent all my money to make sure we'd be in the same room as Jim Parsons (instead of the viewing theatre).  Honestly I don't regret it, as it made Des extremely happy and gleeful and I was so happy to have the Margie with us as well!

Have a couple photos of Jim:


Now here's a funny story.  Des was intent on finding the little Asian Lady who had helped us earlier so when she saw her she ran off to ask about the Margie's ticket.  As she turned her back who should walk through the door but JIM PARSONS.  He sees her bright red Flash shirt, is about to say something when the publicist pulls him away.  Meanwhile Des is oblivious.  Lisa and I are waving frantically at her.  I finally go over there and say 'Des, look behind you' she looks everywhere but at the person she should be seeing.  I'm like 'No des look' she doesn't get it so I finally turn her towards him and say 'LOOK DES' and she freezes up.

As it turned out he was 20 minutes late because he was told the wrong date--we were lucky he was there on time at all!  But that's why Des didn't get to get us kicked out by security tell him her joke or get a picture with him.

And because I promised I would do this, this is how the story really went:
Once Upon a time a lovely red-haired lass named Des was merrily skipping her way to talk to a nice lady.  Lo who should pass her by but her Prince in Dork Armor future husband Sir Jim Parsons.  Sir Jim tries to grab her attention but Des is all 'ho-hum I hear nothing' and frolics away, leaving poor Sir Jim--marriage proposal in hand--to cry silently of a broken heart.  Meanwhile Des' ladies-in-waiting are slapping their foreheads because Des can be really oblivious sometimes.

Moral of the story: friends don't let Des wander off by herself because then she misses the main event.

Back to point: So we are headed into the last row of the theatre that Jim Parsons is in, which delights Des to no end at all.  We're treated to a screening of an unaired episode (either next week's or the week's after they didn't say) that was all kinds of hilarity (I mean it) and then Jim Parsons came out!

It was a thorough and fun interview I have to say.  He's a really funny guy and oddly sentimental (he was teary-eyed over recounting bringing his 4 year old nephew to Sesame Street) and a little bit awkward (but in a good way).  You can see how some of Sheldon's mannerisms are his as well (tone inflections, body movements, the propensity to look at someone directly a touch too long).  He spoke about what i was like auditioning, some anecdotes about the set and coworkers, meeting fans and such.  He says he likes the 'perks' of being a star best (that is being able to appear on Sesame Street or Martha Stewart Show or whatever) and prefers interviews like what he was doing at Paley over the Talk Show circuit because he can talk at length about the show.

So it was good times.

We walked back to Penn, in the growing darkness, fretted over the Margie's safety for a while and then go on the train.  Des and Lisa were not happy campers on the train ride.  Got back to the station, headed to my house, headed to Des' house to drop her off, then we came back and Lisa went home while I watched 24 with my dad.

I'll discuss Wednesday/Thursday later!

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