Okay, one last thing before I'm incommunicado until Saturday. A meme snatched away from
List 10 platonic male/female relationships in fiction that you enjoy.
1. They interact in canon, preferably in a significant (apply your own interpretation of such) way.
2. They are not related. They can, however, view each other as surrogate family.
3. Neither has confessed or implied romantic love for the other in canon.
4. They have not dated, been married, had sex, or made out in canon, on purpose, and of their own free will.
5. A popular fanon ship is ok (though preferably not your ship) but a canon pairing you wish were just friends is out.
6. Try to avoid using the same character or series twice.
1. Firefly, Mal and Kaylee
Though I believe without a doubt she had a crush on him for at least the first few months following her employment, and the fact that the infamous nickname "Captain Tightpants" came from her, I think these two have an utterly adorable big bro/little sis relationship.
2. Bones, Angela and Zack
OTOH, here you have an excellent big sis/little bro relationship. If the show's writers hadn't assassinated Zack's character. Not that I'm bitter or anything. :(
3. Burn Notice, Sam and Fiona
The rivalry between these two is truly awesome, especially when you consider the fact that big brawny Sam is the brains while teeny tiny Fiona is the muscle. But despite all that, they are united in their love for Michael, and it makes them a fantastic team.
4.NCIS, Abby and Gibbs
Awww. Just.. awww.
5. Pushing Daisies, Emerson and Olive
I really can't get enough of their scenes together. The dialogue goes all sharp and pulp-y, and of course there are all the times Emerson has laughed big and loud directly in Olive's face. Those are always priceless. And his nickname for her- "Itty Bitty" I mean my goodness. In my head, they eventually team up to become an unstoppable private detective force for (profitable) good.
6. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Harmony and Perry
This may be stretching it, as I think they have just one scene without Harry tagging along, and even then there's not much dialogue. And anyway he's gay, so there's not really any possibility of them becoming a couple, which feels like cheating in a weird way. But! Perry says he's worked with her before, so they have a history. And, I dunno, I just feel like they'd have a good, comfortable, snarky working relationship.
7. Sin City, Miho and Dwight
This is also kinda.. iffy, as I can't really imagine Miho ever dating anyone, regardless of gender. But, in any case, here's another team for great justice, or at least probably fatal, definitely serious ass-kicking.
8. Heroes, Angela and Noah
Dude, come on. Because they rock. Period.
9. Psych, Lassiter and Juliet
Again, great partners doing great things. Plus, Juliet helps Lassiter relax a little, and I like to think he's a good teacher for her as a new detective.
10. The Middleman, Wendy and MM
Okay, maybe I kinda knee-jerk 'shipped them at first.. then Wendy said MM was the closest thing she had to a father. So! Partners for great justice! Fighting evil so you don't have to!