because I don't have anything better to do, nooo

Apr 19, 2011 21:58

From memeseveriwhere:

List your top ten (10) favorite characters from a single anime fandom (whoops, didn't read that quite closely enough), and answer the following questions.

(You know what? I'm gonna go with multiple fandoms. It's more fun that way.)
1 - The Middleman
2 - Mal Reynolds
3 - Elizabeth Burke
4 - Claude Rains
5 - Veronica Palmer
6 - Granny Weatherwax
7 - Michael Weston
8 - Olivia Dunham
9 - Amy Pond
10 - Sherlock Holmes

Q1 - Have you ever written a Veronica/Sherlock fanfiction before?
Most definitely not. But I can imagine Veronica trying to recruit Sherlock as a corporate spy.

Q2 - Do you think Elizabeth is hot? How hot?
Sure- gorgeous eyes, smile, hair. The works, basically.

Q3 - What would happen if Granny got The Middleman pregnant?
Ergh, uh, I.. highly doubt Granny would ever do anything like that, so... pass.

Q4 - Do you recall any good fics about Amy Pond?
Hm, good question. Ummm, I think so. Something about a beach? And Rory reading alien romance novels? Jeez, wish I could re-read it.

Q5 - Would Mal and Michael make a good couple?
HA! You know, that pairing actually came up in another meme like this one, a while back. I like it, in a really emotionally-repressed-men-of-action kind of way.

Q6 - Claude/Olivia or Claude/Amy?
Heh, well, Claude's a little old for Amy. Claude and Olivia, hmm... I guess they could get along okay.

Q7 - What would happen if Michael discovered that Elizabeth and Olivia had a secret relationship?
I doubt he'd care unless it interfered with a job, most likely.

Q8 - Can you write a summary of at least twenty words for a Mal/Granny fanfic?
O_O ... *moment of deep meditation* "Serenity travels so far into the black they discover (and promptly crash land on) the Discworld. Granny helps them get back into the black. And her and Mal... have.. interesting conversations. About things. That's all. The end."

Q9 - Is their such thing as a Claude/Sherlock romantic fluff story?
*cackles* Ohhh nooo, for so many reasons.

Q10 - Suggest a title for a Middleman/Veronica Hurt/Comfort fic.
Since I actually have written about these characters interacting, and they did not get along AT ALL... And I hate thinking up titles anyway... Pass.

Q11 - What kind of plot would you use for an Elizabeth/Michael fic?
Ooh! You know, there's all kinds of rumors about White Collar and Burn Notice doing a crossover... But anyway, I could totally see Elizabeth getting swept up in a job and having to play along with Michael's cover ID.

Q12 - Does anyone on your friends list read Michael het? What about Amy slash?
Uhh, I dunno, you tell me.

Q13 - If you wrote a songfic about Amy Pond, what song would you choose?
Mmm, I like "Pretty In Pink" by The Psychedelic Furs for Amy. Just kind of a song about a damaged but independent woman trying to get by in a world that's not really helping. Also, "Babydoll" by The Fratellis is a pretty good Rory/Amy song.

Q14 - If you wrote a Mal/Elizabeth/Granny fanfic, what would the warning be?
Jeez, why does this meme want Mal and Granny to hook up so bad?! Uh, warning: bad-tempered old woman who almost definitely has less than zero interest in sex. I guess she could go sit in the garden and Borrow while Mal and Elizabeth.. do whatever.

Q15 - What pick-up line might Olivia use on Veronica?
*snort* Uh, compliment Veridian's stock portfolio?

Q16 - Challenge: Write a drabble for Sherlock/Olivia.
There's desperate, and there's desperate... and then there's this. But, the guy is a genius- he lets them know often enough. And he's looking at the machine's schematics and the different parts with an intensity Olivia has never seen. She ambles over, hands in her pockets, "So, any thoughts?"

His eyes snap up to hers, and she wouldn't have guessed that they could blaze, as colorless as they are. "Several hundred. I need more time."

"I can't give you forever, Mr. Holmes. You should work quickly."


Q17 - What would happen if Michael walked in on Mal and the Middleman having sex?
Again, he probably wouldn't care much unless it interfered with a job, but if he was familiar with what kinds of stuff the Middleman deals with, and what constitutes normal behavior for the Middleman, I think he would like to know if this was something he should be personally worried about.

Q18 - What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Claude and the Middleman to end up together?
"Peter Petrelli becomes the new Middleman." Done.

Q19 - Does anyone on your friends list read Michael Weston slash?
I don't know! I doubt it?

Q20 - Does anyone on your friends list read Elizabeth het?
Again, can't really say what other people do or do not read. Probably?

Q21 - Does anyone on your friends list write or draw the Middleman?
See, now, I'm pretty sure someone has written the Middleman. Not sure about draw.

Q22 - Would you write Mal/Claude/Veronica?
Heh, uh, no. I don't think so.

Q23 - What might Sherlock scream at a moment of great passion?
LOL, nice question. Shame about the character choice. Uh, since "a moment of great passion" for Sherlock most likely would have to do with solving a case- probably something along the lines of "I'M A GENIUS!"

Q24 - When was the last time you read a fic about Veronica?
Hm, I re-read my fic A Little Quiet Shut-Eye the other day.

Q25 - What is Granny's secret kink?
Augh- again, why are we exploring Granny's sexuality?! I don't mean to sound ageist, but seriously, I'm pretty positive it's non-existent. But, okay, fine, way back when she was still Esme... well, I bet Esme Weatherwax could've been a helluva dominatrix.

Q26 - Would the Middleman shag Amy Pond?
Heh, no. Flirt with her, maybe.

Q27 - If Elizabeth and Michael got together, who would be on top?
This pairing again? Okay, well, El's one of those characters I really can't see being unfaithful to her canon spouse(s), but if we assume a still-single or AU-version of El... does it really have to be just one character on top? Sounds boring to me.

heroes, firefly, tv, meme, doctor who, fringe, sherlock, discworld, middleman, better off ted, burn notice, books, white collar

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