My apartment smells amaaazing right now

Apr 17, 2011 18:21

Cookies. Cookies, man, cookies. Best thing in the world? Or BEST THING IN THE WORLD? These are the cookies my mom would make every Christmas. Eventually I got old enough to say, "I want them now," when it wasn't Christmas and make them myself. Honestly, I think I do them better than Mom these days. Though maybe not this batch, TBH. Needed a little more baking soda or something. Maybe my mixing action wasn't quite planetary enough. Anyway, wanna learn how to make 'em yourself?


Yeah, that's my handwriting. Ghastly, isn't it? Let me know if there's anything you really can't make out. In the meantime...


1. Mix those ingredients together in a big bowl, ideally a mixer. ("br. sugar" means brown sugar)
2. Add that.
3. Add that.
4. I mix those ingredients together in one of those four-cup measuring cups (though at that size it's really more of a bowl). Then you add it to the stuff in the mixer/big bowl. (the little hash marks under 1 tsp also mean 1 tsp)
5. Add that.
6. I say "8-11 minutes" because it always seems like every batch is a little bit different, same with every oven. Some batches will take less time and some will take more. It's pretty cool to see how the chemistry works out.

That's my second finished pan. With the first couple pans I go small with the.. lumps(?) of dough, about the size of a chestnut or a ping pong ball. That's to account for the aforementioned chemistry, seeing if the cookies are going to spread out a lot or be thick or whatever.

BEHOLD MY DELICIOUS ARMY. I dunno, I was surprised they all fit more or less on that one little.. peninsula thing in my kitchen. I thought I'd have a lot more. Hm. Anyway, this recipe makes enough cookies to just about fill two Ziploc freezer storage bags. Good for keeping one at home and taking the other to work for general co-worker bonus points.

So, that's the cooking portion of the weekend done. As for the fic portion- well, one down, seven more to go. Again, any Plaude prompts would be appreciated.

For now I think I'm gonna go back to Hulu and watch some episodes of Being Human (US version) that I missed, and then listen to the commentaries that are on it, because Sam Witwer (Aidan- vampire), Sam Huntington (Josh- werewolf), and Meaghan Rath (Sally- ghost) are freaking adorable and hilarious human beings. I already heard the commentary for part one of the pilot, and wow, these guys. Just like all the best casts, I want them to adopt me. Or at least let me sit quietly in a corner and listen to them talk- which I can basically do, thanks to these commentaries. So, yay!

recs, tv, pictures, food

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