Ah, well, another week down. This weekend will be much more low-key than the last one- mostly cleaning, maybe some cooking, and for goodness' sake finally writing the other auction fic I've been avoiding. *sigh* If you're reading this,
foxtoast, I haven't forgotten! I just need a decent muse to descend and give me a little direction. I dunno, have any of you guys seen "Brown Betty?" It's an episode of Fringe- a very cool episode that's a musical detective story told by a madman on drugs. Have I mentioned Fringe is kind of awesome? Well, it is. ... Well, it was, at that point. Now... I'm having some doubts. We'll see how the rest of this season goes, I guess. Anyway, to come back to the point, if you've seen the episode, and a prompt of some kind occurs or has occured to you, feel free to drop it off here. I've.. really got just this side of nothing.
Otherwise... oh! I got a raise! I'm not sure yet just what it will do for my finances- honestly, I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But yay money!
Also, after months of failed attempts, I finally managed to do something I've been trying to do for... well, months.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. *ba dum ching* I pass below this sign EVERY DAY, folks. And I've been waiting, just WAITING, for the right moment when I'd be at a red light in the front of the line so I could snatch up my phone and access the camera function and snap a decent picture. What I finally got the other day was a mostly crappy picture, which I made mostly a different kind of crappy when I futzed with it in Photoshop, BUT I DON'T CARE.