A live cooking post, how about that?

Feb 06, 2011 19:26

Cross your fingers for me, folks. My very first meatloaf is sizzling away in the oven right now, but unfortunately I don't really know what temperature my oven is set to. Because it's also the first time I've used my oven and some genius messed with the temperature dial so it doesn't read right. So, as of now I'm just kind of babysitting it. I hope the temperature is hotter than it should be, because A) the meatloaf will be done faster and B) I just think I'll be able to tell more easily how done it is. It's looking browner than before, and there's the aforementioned sizzling going on, and it smells pretty tasty. So that's good, right? *runs to check it again* A little browner, a little more sizzling, more or less the same smell.

In other news! Yesterday, apropos to mostly nothing except boredom and hearing about it so much I guess it seeped into my unconscious, I started watching Misfits. I'm all caught up now. *runs to check meatloaf* I wouldn't really say it's totally amazing excellent television, but it's definitely well done. I like everyone except Nathan, who nonetheless is just funny enough not to actively dislike. That whole thing with the healer girl Daisy, though, and his complete lack of guilt over it- that was pretty bad. But then Curtis turned back time and it didn't happen, so I guess I'll disregard it.

It's interesting comparing it to Heroes. They're basically the same show, except Heroes went the route of having a large cast and multiple story lines while Misfits is extremely insular. While I did like Heroes' cast in all its diversity, I must admit Misfits doesn't suffer Heroes' problems maintaining all those story lines and various characterizations. Also, it's kind of a relief to go without the big prophecies and secret organizations and general mythos shenanigans in Heroes. *runs to check meatloaf- status report: much browner* Yeah, you had that whole "Future!Simon's here to protect Present!Simon (& Friends)" thing, but that's not really on the same level as "Nuclear bomb fated to go off in NYC." *checked meatloaf- status report: turned down heat to ? degrees* Also, it gave us Future&Present!Simon/Alisha, which is adorable. I know some people didn't really get into it, saying that it seems like Alisha's only with Simon because Future!Simon said they'd be together. *checks meatloaf: status report- more sizzling, think I turned the dial the wrong way, turned it the other way* I'm not sure if I agree- I think they gave her a pretty good mourning period after Future!Simon's death... that said however, there's that scene after they go public and get famous when Simon follows Alisha to Future!Simon's lair and he finds out the whole thing. But that ended up not happening because of Curtis, right? So I am admittedly a little unsure how Present!Simon and Alisha got together ultimately, if that didn't happen. But either way, they're cute enough together that I don't particularly mind this rare lapse in continuity. After all, I'm a recovering Heroes fan.

Anyway, I know I like it because in between episodes when I went to do chores and such, all the music I listened to made me think of the show. That's a pretty big clincher there. I'm hoping to keep up with the new season when it airs.

*checks meatloaf: status report- looks about done through (smoke alarm just went off, I turned on the stove fan and pressed the button on the alarm and it stopped) but a little mushy so I'll let it go a while longer* I don't really like having the fan on. I can't hear the sizzle this way which was helping me keep an eye on it.

All right, took it out.

Well, I'm hungry anyway. Once again, as long as I don't poison myself, it's a win! I better go get my mashed potatoes and peas done before it gets cold.

ETA: Damn, I just realized I forgot to put ketchup on it halfway through like you're supposed to. Nuts.

ETA2: Not bad! Maybe next time go a little lighter on the oregano, add a little salt, remember the ketchup. And, y'know, let my landlady know the dial on my oven is somewhat borked.

heroes, recs, tv, pictures, food

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