LOTSvideo Fan Spotlight: Who's in Charge Here?

Oct 10, 2010 17:04

The following video was submitted to LOTSvideo as a part of the Seeker Saved Sing-a-long. We at LOTSvideo were so impressed by the high quality of this video and the dedication it showed to the Legend of the Seeker fandom, that we decided to add some additional background music and showcase it for the rest of the fans. We hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to continue the fight so get a season 3 of Legend of the Seeker.

Also don't foget to vote in the Poll to let LOTSvideo know what projects you'd like to see happen.  We'll be keeping the poll open until Oct. 15th. And if all you see is results on the poll (as we've had the happen to some fans) we'd still love to hear from you, so either leave a message in the comments or send us a quick email with your thoughts.

The LOTSvideo Team

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