Nomination Banners and Nominee Information Post

Jan 18, 2013 21:52

2013 Rules | Categories | Definitions | Date Announcement

A selection of nomination banners are available under the cut.

Mods are currently in the process of sending out nomination notifications. Please be patient, as we are handling a large amount of information. Notifications will likely take several days. Once all notices have been sent, the new voting dates will be posted.

Congrats to the nominees! You will find links to more information on the awards above. Please read all rules etc. before asking questions, as your question may be answered in the rules and/or nomination posts. If you still have questions, feel free to ask in the question thread of this post.

If you are a nominee and you do not usually follow this community, we suggest you do so until the conclusion of the awards, as we will only be announcing winners on the community, not sending out individual notices.


Please upload banners to your own servers

Remember, if you don't reply we will assume you accept your nominations, but you may request your fic(s) be removed from the running up until the last day of voting. And please don't display your nomination banners until after the nomination lists are posted.

Please ask any questions in the question thread. If you post outside the question thread, the mods may not be notified for some time. Any concerns about the integrity of the nomination process should be PMed directly to serendipity513. Comments are screened.

!lotseekerfic awards, !modpost

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