2015 Meme

Jan 06, 2016 16:46

IN 2015...
you were in a relationship at some point
you were single
went through a messybreak up
got dumped - kind of?!
dumped someone
mutually broke up
cheated on someone
got cheated on
got engaged
got married
got a divorce
moved to a different home
moved to a different city
moved to a different state
moved to a different country
got evicted
had a job
got promoted
got demoted
got hired
got fired
got laid off
changed jobs
had a terrible interview
met someone famous
went to a concert
saw a live play
went to the movies
marathoned a show on Netflix or Hulu
got drunk
got high on weed
got high onecstacy
got high on meth
got high on pills
got high on crack
got high on acid
got high on coke
got high on heroin
had surgery
went to the emergency room
got pregnant
gave birth
had an abortion
got laid
slept with more than one person
slept with more than five people
slept with more than ten people
made out with someone
had a threesome
had a one night stand
made a sex tape
sent nude photos
had your heart broken
sawfamily from another state
went to a family reunion
traveled out of town
traveled out of state
traveled out of country
got pulled over
got a ticket
got arrested
got kicked off property
went to a bar
went to a house party
slept over at someone's house
had a crush
smoked hookah
smoked a cigarette
tried a new food
got a new car
got into a wreck
got a new computer
made new friends
lost some friends
were in a wedding
had someone you know die
went to a funeral
went to a wedding
danced in public
got naked in public
saw a friend naked
cussed someone out
got into a physical fight
discovered a new musical artist
got a new wardrobe
knew someone who was diagnosed with cancer
hooked up with a coworker
hooked up with an ex
hooked up with an old friend
got a tattoo
got a piercing
dyed your hair
got a haircut
got taller
got shorter
gained weight
lost weight
were diagnosed with a physical disease/disorder
were diagnosed with a mental disease/disorder
spent the night at the hospital
quit an addiction
read a new book
started a new show
stole something
drove over the speed limit
celebrated your birthday in public
were on TV
were on the radio
got drunk in public
had sex in front of other people
went skinny dipping
broke the law
saw someone in their underwear
took a class
failed a class
passed a class
got suspended or expelled from school
went to school
dropped out of school
hooked up with a teacher
fantasized about hooking up with a teacher
had an awkward sex dream
had a panic attack
had a near death experience
broke a bone
fractured a bone
went on a diet
saw a new movie you loved
saw a new movie you hated
changed religions
went to church
drunk texted
embarrassed yourself terribly
had a run in with the cops
joined a new social media site
got new glasses/contacts
contracted an STD
had a pregnancy scare
took an STD test
donated blood
donated to charity
volunteered somewhere
did community service
slapped someone
pulled a prank on someone
went to a baptism
went to a fancy restaurant
lost a family member to death


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