Day One : Gastric Bypass

Dec 29, 2015 15:19

Bare with me here, as I am on a lot of morphine right now and my eyes and fingers are not in time with my brain.

So! I a officailly on the 'losers' fence. Yesterday morning was my surgery and it went well. It was a three hour procedure, from start to recovery, and I am very happy today that I'm feeling better.

After I woke up from anethesia in a lot of pain (9/10 and 10/10) and found out they had me on a PCP for dilaudid which does nothing for me, I had the same issue wih my arm.I wonder if I should just list it as an allergy...

So anyways, I started this entire thing at 300lbs, and Sunday night I had my mother take 'before pictures' below. These pictures I weight 260lbs and I'm pretty sure I hadn't weighed this light since highschool! I'm going to put the pics under the cut. (Totally PG)

I still haven't gotten an idea of what the surgeon wants for a total weight loss, so I am going to have to ask him later this afternoon when i see him again.

There isn't much to update at the moment, mostly because I keep falling asleep. I have pippin1983 & angelnovak to thank for beta readin this post so that it made as much sense as it possibly could for you guys.

I will try to update once a week on my progress. That way, if people are interested they can follow along, and if they're not it's not in their news feed!

On an outside note... my husband actally texted me today to ask if everyhting was okay. I replied, but I was honestly shocked...

personal: life, i, personal: weight, personal: surgery

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