looking for a specific NC17 rps fic with orlando/viggo/sean bean-> FOUND! link in comments

Nov 05, 2014 03:32

i've looked everywhere for this story. i'm pretty sure its from 2001/2002/2003/2004. its very NC17, at least a few thousand words.
its set when the cast are still filming in NZ, Orlando has major crush on Sean, but doesnt think Sean will ever notice or be interested, so Orlando is sleeping with Viggo, who he's very attracted to but doesnt feel the way he does about Sean.
its this one night where Orlando goes to see Viggo, Viggo ties him spread eagle to his bed, i think with silk scarves. there also may be a cock ring involved (i hope i'm not being to graphic for people here) for Orlando. Viggo leaves the room for a minute and comes back and while doing naughty things to Orlando makes him admit to fancing Sean and wishing he was doing dirty things to him as well/instead.
after a bit of this Orlando suddenly notices that Sean is in the doorway and has heard everything. he joins Viggo just like Orlando fantasised, and they all...ahem... finish happily ever after... (there's definitely rimming, again sorry for being so explicit)

i remember a lot but not a lot of the details, obviously not the author or title, but it was such a hot, sexy well written story, i really wish i could read it again. i hope someone else remembers it too. thanks everyone for taking the time to check this out

ps-i tried to put this whole thing under an adult content warning, i hope it worked, sorry if it hasnt :(

edit-> found! wonderful people!!! it's 'Keeping Secrets' by Tricia and there is a link-


which is also in the comments if this doesnt work :) thankyou so much!

time: nz, character: rpf: sean b., character: rpf: orlando, character: rpf: viggo, pairing: rpf: sean b./orlando, kink: bdsm, pairing: rpf: viggo/orlando, pairing: rpf: viggo/sean b.

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