(no subject)

Sep 14, 2010 15:25

Delurking to ask for help in trying to track down old favourite story (old = several years ago). It was I think on ff.net. It was mostly aragorn-centric, set after the arrival in rivendell before the council of elrond. Set in the book!verse, it concentrated on his alienation from elrond and his relationship with arwen and his family there.

If it helps, there was a scene where elrond is thinking about how much aragorn looks like elros and that this was a reason for his distance, which aragorn took to be anger. there was also a scene with arwen playing on celebrian's harp and an interlude where aragorn's family found out about him smoking pipeweed - which  he blamed entirely on gandalf.

If anyone can remember this or has a copy of it, it would be greatly appreciated.

pairing: fpf: aragorn/arwen, source: book-lotr, genre: domestic, genre: angst

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