help with finding an LOTR mpreg

May 08, 2008 20:21

hi everyone! i remember this lotr mpreg that i read a long time ago. the pairing was Legolas/Aragorn and it was Legolas who was pregnant. i remember two distinct incidents that happened, but i'm not sure if they both happened in the same story or two completely different stories.

one was: someone malicious is trying to terminate legolas's pregnancy (and probably life) and he/she poisoned legolas' honey at breakfast, causing him to get really sick. but afterwards, leoglas lived because he ingested so much of the toxin that it actually nullified itself (?) or something like that. i remember there was a lot of angsting out afterwards.

second incident: the malicious person kidnapped Legolas and sliced off the tips of his elven ears and sent them to Aragorn in an envelope. Angst ensues.

i'm not sure if these were seperate fics or one fic. i'd very much like to read it/them again. please help me, it's been on my mind for a while! Thanks a lot, everyone!!!

trope: mpreg, pairing: fpf: aragorn/legolas

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