"Are you drunk?" "Yeah.... so? Stupid"

Jul 04, 2008 12:31

YAY! I finally have time to post my birthday pictures!


Here's a note for Jenny and Becca!

I have to work tomorrow night at 11pm but we are still going to the Wizard Rock show. We may have to take two cars though. I'm closer to work if I leave from Vienna, but it all depends on whether or not we go out afterwards AND how long the show is. We can meet somewhere tomorrow afternoon and head down at around 4:30. Call me if there are any problems!

Man... Sam is very pretty in this episode. Hee, antiquers. Awww Poor Dean just got burned.

"What do you mean we look the type?"

Anyways... PICTURES!

So Wednesday I left work early and picked Katy up at the airport with my dad. It was awesome seeing my Lime of Lurve again, in Virginia, it's been 3 years since she came to visit!

After my dad dropped us off at my car, we headed to the comic book store, grabbed some food and then went to waterworks.

Later that night we met up with Jenny for dinner at Olive Garden... where I was sung too. lol There is evidence of that in the video, I'm gonna post at the end.

It was nice being in the same place with two of my bestest friends... specially since it's been awhile since all three of us have hung out like that.

So after that there was just hanging out and then sleep.

Thursday, Katy and I woke up at noon and decided to go to Kings Dominion. So we bought two day passes, cause we were planning on going Sunday with a bigger group. It was fun, we rode Dominator and Volcano and spent sometime at the waterpark.

We then came home, grabbed some Chinese, met up with Becca and watched Supernatural!

Friday was MY BIRTHDAY! Katy and I began the day at the mall, then we rushed back home to meet everyone. Sara and Geoff arrived first, then Mr. Dante, then Jenny and then Becca and Sam. We hung out for a bit, Sara and Geoff left early. The rest of us ate dinner and opened presents.

I got a elf-ceratops named Legolas Greenleaf from Katy, he dons a pair of heart boxers and cowboy boots, PS I love you from Becca, a teddy bear that is presently nameless *any ideas?* from Dante, a box of goodies from Jenny, the best cookies ever from Sara and awesome cards from everyone as well!

After the party, we headed over to AMC and saw WALL-E! I'll post my review later, but moving on, we all decided to go to Cheeseburger in Paradise... even though there would be a chance of confrontation with a certain person that is going to remain nameless... lets just say she wasn't there cause she apparently "Injured herself... and disappeared" WHATEVER!

So there, I was carded... and then was forced *lol* to do what I was now legal to do. It was interesting... not something I plan on doing often... or at all. lol

There was singing and fruit with sunglasses and queso dip. It was great! OH! When we first walked into the restaurant the live band was TOTALLY playing WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE by Bon Jovi! AH! Craziness!

YAY! Friday Night was so much fun! I love my friends :P

Saturday was just a random hang out day. Katy and I went to Red Robin, where I got my third birthday song... fourth if you count the one at my party. After that we just hung out, went to the mall and toys r us and walmart. Then we went home and played with the play-doh we bought *don't ask* and watched Across the Universe and Jeff DunHAM DOT COM *hee*

Here are some Random pictures:

Chessey Loves her Katy, lol.

Sunday was KINGS DOMINION DAY! It didn't start out all that awesomely. The car ride was fun, singing was involved :)

Once we got there... it was CROWDED. It took us a freaking HOUR just to get INTO the park. It was hot and just awful... I do believe Jenny wanted to murder me. *meep*

Everything got better once we got inside, we rode some rides and just had a good time :)

Yay! After we got back from Kings Dominion AND TOOK SHOWERS. Katy and I went and met an old friend from Middle School and grabbed some dinner.

Monday, I said goodbye to my buddy and my dad took her to the airport, while I went to work.

I had a great weekend!!

Here's a random video I put together:

image Click to view

Man... that was alot of pictures!

Here's my review for Wall-E!

You know it is amazing the messages that can be sent out in a seemingly innocent movie about a robot that has fallen in love.

Earth has been evacuated, all the humans are living on a space station and have been for 700 years. They left Earth to be cleaned up by robots, planning on returning when Earth was habitable again.

There was no luck. Wall-E is the only working robot left on earth. He works everyday alongside his friend... a cockroach. He cleans up the trash, taking collectibles home with him everynight. Then at night he watches a movie *I'm not sure which one* and dreams of one day having someone to hold hands with.

Soon that day comes when a ship lands and a robot named Eve arrives, searching for some type of life on Earth. She finds Wall-E and the two of them become friends. Soon he shows her something he found when he was out working. A plant. She suddenly goes a little crazy and takes the plant and shuts down. Wall-E is devastated and tries hard to wake her back up. He has no luck, soon her ship comes back and takes her, he latches on the to the side and goes with her. They soon arrive at the space station, Axiom, where all of the humans now reside. The humans are now pretty much blobs, they ride around in these chairs and "drink" their meals, while talking on newer-type cellphone video things. Wall-E is amazed by all of the new things he sees. He unseemingly introduces two humans to each other, John and Mary. *SQEE! Will shut up now :P* and goes on his quest to save Eve. He soon does and we learn that she was sent on a mission to find evidence of photosynthesis resuming on earth. If she found evidence, that meant the humans were to return to earth.

She gives the plant to the captain of the ship, who is being pretty much controlled by a robot named auto. Auto gets rid of the plant underneath the captain's nose. Eve and Wall-E go on a search to find it.

They soon do and they defeat Auto with some help from some Roque Robots.

The humans return to earth to find it still inhabitable. They decide to stop being blobs and try to rebuild Earth themselves.

This was a fantastic movie, it was adorable and even brought tears to your eyes.

I give Wall-E a 10 on the Dork-o-Meter

*dances* That's one long post... and it is now 3:02pm and I've already watched like 3 episodes of Supernatural lol.

Considerate Dreamer

okay! I'm off!

pictures, 21st birthday, movie reviews 2008, awesomeness

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