All Good Guys are either: Taken, Gay, or FICTIONAL!

Apr 18, 2008 12:28

Here is the post you've ALL been waiting for! EYECON REPORT!

Yes I'm a little behind but what can I say, that weekend put me VERY behind when it comes to school work and that is a little bit more important.

Here we go!

So it all began on April 3rd at around 5am. That is when we left Dale City and started the LONG drive to Florida. It took us about 15 hours all together. It was a pretty uneventful drive, except for all the rain and the billboards and stuff :) There's a GREAT clip of some lightening in the first video.

We got to my Aunt Trisha's house that night, ate Pizza and I made everyone watch Supernatural! It wasn't the best episode for "Newbies" but it was still a good episode, at least I thought so!

The next morning, my dad and I left Tampa and my Aunt's house and drove the rest of the way to Orlando. There was traffic and it sucked, but we were amused by the Disney signs. My dad pouted the whole time, cause he really wants to go to Disney World, cause we've never been, but that is another trip!

We finally got to our hotel about fours hours BEFORE registration was to take place. We put all of our stuff in our room and then headed towards the Florida Hotel, which awesomely enough is apart of the Florida Mall!

We still had about four hours before registration so we headed into the mall. Discovered M&M's World:

Which pretty much is a store filled with everything you can think of to put the M&M's logo on. They even had purses made out of M&M'S wrappers... yeah.

We headed into the mall, which was HUGE, way bigger than Potomac Mills. We soon found the normal stores, Waldenbooks, Hot Topic and of course KB Toys. The other awesome thing about the mall was every once in a while I'd see this:

and do a happy dance.

Soon it was time to go get Registered! We walked into this amazingly nice hotel and went up to the second level where the fun was going to take place. My dad and I got our tickets and Badges and all that was left to do is wait until they opened up the doors to the ballroom!

We wondered around, found the vendors room, which meant I was going to spend money... which I did :P

Three t-shirts, two sets of homemade earrings and some emergency matches and rock salt! Never leave home without them!

Planes Crash, Clowns Kill... Get it??

So after raiding the Vendor Room, *where I also found a table for a local comic store that had my ANGEL COMICS!* We headed over to the line for the Meet and Greet. While my dad ran to the car to drop off my t-shirts and to get himself some water, I started talking to the girl standing in line in front of me. We of coursed talked about Supernatural and Harry Potter. It also turned out that were we sitting next to each other the whole weekend! Here is my shout out to Ginger!!

Once we took our seats, we faced a HUGE screen:

Then our Master of Ceremonies Dizzy, *Who completely understood fangirls lol* Came out and Introduced the fab stars that were there that night!

Gabe Tigerman, Sandy McCoy, Chad Lindberg, Samantha Ferris and Jim Beaver!

They said their hellos and then were rushed off because they were already running behind. Next thing on the schedule was TEN INCH HERO!!
Here is the Trailer:

image Click to view

My Review for Ten Inch Hero:

Ever Since I saw Ten Inch Hero, I haven't been able to name another movie that I felt was in the same league.

Ten Inch Hero has everything you would want in a movie. GREAT Characters that you can relate to, not just one story but four stories all intertwined together, comedy and drama.

The movie begins with Piper, a girl on a quest to find the daughter she had to give up for adoption. She finds a job in a new city at a local sandwich shop where "Normal People need not apply" This is where she meets Trucker, a man with some secrets who is in love with the woman who works across the street, Jen, a lonely girl who has supposedly found love with someone named Fuzzy online, Tish, who for lack of a better word, is a whore, she sleeps with any cute guy that comes in the shop. Lastly we have Priestly, who is a complete rebel with a good heart.

This group of misfits all band together and become good friends. Piper meets who she believes is her daughter and becomes part of her family. Her daughter's adoptive father, Noah, hires Piper under the false name of Ann, to teach Julia art.

Jen gets a message from her beloved Fuzzy asking if they could meet. She agrees to do so, but she doesn't go alone, Piper and Tish volunteer to go with her.

Tish finally allows herself to be in a relationship, but it turns out to be with the wrong guy.

Priestly just wants to be taken advantage of, preferably by Tish, but she wont even look at him.

Trucker finds himself unable to speak in Zoe's presence, but she knows he likes her because she seems to be psychic.

Jen goes to meet Fuzzy only to find out he is a very attractive guy, she leaves the restaurant claiming no guy who looks like him would ever be attracted to her. Her, Tish and Piper return back to the sandwich shop. Tish tells Priestly what happened and he storms off, claiming that Jen did to Fuzzy what she thought he was going to do to her, judge her based on looks.

Soon Piper realizes the Noah and Julia that she had grown to care about aren't who she thought they were, Julia isn't the baby she lost.

Tish has a confrontation with her new boyfriend, where he slaps her, Priestly comes to her defense, only to be taken down and saved by Trucker.

Everything seems hopeless for them all, Trucker reveals his past, which involves him being captain of his school's football team and how he killed many people in a war and he swore that he would never hurt another soul. While looking through his old yearbook, Jen finds a picture of Zoe, the woman across the street, it turned out her and Trucker went to school together.

Noah confronts Piper and has her tell him the truth and she does, he then asks if they can start over.

Tish gets rid of her abusive boyfriend and is surprised to have Priestly arrive at the shop, dressed in clothes that were very much not like him, he also had lost the Mohawk and shaved.

At the beginning of the movie we learn that Jen was always helping the homeless that came into the shop, a man comes into the shop and she asks him if he is hungry, he said he isn't, then tells her she is pretty. He then reveals himself to be Fuzzy. Priestly had gotten a hold of him and the two of them planned this meeting.

At the end of the movie, Trucker and Zoe get married, naked on horses, on the beach and everyone had found their someone.

This movie was amazing, you were laughing and crying and cheering the whole way through. Watching it among fans at Eyecon was the best way to see it! The acting was awesome and over all it was a story that you could relate to. It was a feel good movie and it needs all the support it can get. You can't just go out and get Ten Inch Hero, not yet anyways. Rate and comment on the trailer and visit their website and their myspace. Give them your support so you can enjoy this movie, because it deserves to be seen by everyone!!

I give Ten Inch Hero a TEN on the Dork-o-Meter

After the screening of Ten Inch Hero, the producer and director of the film came out and did a short Q&A session, they answered fan questions and asked us all to support the film and to write letters, helping them get distributed. After the Q&A, we all rushed to get a poster signed by them.

Here is the Video of the First Day!

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Onto Day Number 2!

Saturday began with the Q&A with Jim Beaver, he was REALLY funny. He came on stage and showed off his "I Read John/Bobby" t-shirt that a fan gave him. He claimed that he didn't know what it meant :P

After the Q&A with him, we had the Q&A with the Roadhouse crew! Alona Tal, Chad Lindberg and Samantha Ferris. Samantha Ferris immediately took control of the panel and started asking the audience for their questions, she talked about being casted as "Balls in a Suit" many times and how she loves playing a strong female character. Chad Lindberg talked about his documentary and Alona Tal talked about she was the victim when it came to Jo and Dean. She also got excited when she talked about Jared throwing her around in Born Under a Bad Sign.

After they left, some Ghostbusters arrived... why? I don't know:

The next Q&A was with Sandy McCoy the FUTURE Mrs.Padalecki...damn her! lol Just Kidding! Sandy was really cute and funny, I really enjoyed her panel especially when she talked about how Jared Proposed! It was SOOO cute!!

Next up was Gabe Tigerman! Everyone loves Andy and he was so adorable, he talked about how he loved playing Andy and how he LOVED driving the Metallicar!

After the Q&A Panels, I headed back into the Vendor room to buy pictures to get signed by everyone. I had just bought tickets to have the other guests *other then Jared and Jim Beaver* sign autographs.

First up was Gabe, he was really nice! He shook my hand and not only signed a picture for me, but also signed one for Becca! Next was Samantha Ferris, she asked me where I came from and I said we drove from VA, well my Dad drove us from VA and she said that's what Dad's were for!
Next I met Sandy, I congratulated her for her engagement and then said I was really nervous to meet Jared. She said not to be, that he is really relaxed and then she claimed that he bites! lol Alona was next, I didn't really talk to her and then finally Chad, he sorta signed my Picture then went off to talk to Alona.

Jim Beaver's Autograph session took place in the Heroes Ballroom. It was so awesome meeting BOBBY! He asked me my name and I said, "Laura" and he goes "Another Laura!" I say, "Have there been alot of Lauras?" He nodded then said, "But your the best of them all" *OMG!* haha, I then embarrassed myself by saying, "This is my dad, his name is Jim too" *shakes head*

That was the end of Saturday, I didn't have tickets for any of the other events.

Videos! Part One and Part Two!

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DAY THREE! Also known as the Day of JARED!
So in preparation for the epic photo-op, I wore my hair down and put on one of my nice shirts, of course bringing an extra shirt to change into afterwards. We left bright and early cause Jared's Q&A started at 9am and Photo-ops were at 10. Before hand we were asked to sign a Pig!hat for Jim Beaver! It was awesome! I wish I saw his reaction!

Jared walked out being all tall cause OMG! He's so tall :P and he was really funny, he totally didn't seem like he was tired, cause he came directly from set... which is in CANADA! I'm not gonna go into detail on the Q&A cause I got ALOT of video!

After the Q&A, we rushed over to where Photo-Ops were and waited in a LONG line! But OMG was it worth it!!

*iz ded*

So I got my picture and it was awesome, I told him that we drove from Virginia to see him and he asked me what part, I said Woodbridge and he said, that he met Sandy in Richmond and that Virginia holds a special place in his heart! He also said it was an honor meeting me and I said, "No It was an honor meeting you!" hahaha I'm getting excited just typing this!! After that happened I was immediately on the phone to Becca, Jenny and my Mom, haha. I had to go sit down and calm down, I had a big smile on my face that totally didn't disappear for a WHILE.

Well we had to wait a while for the photo to print out, so we just sorta hung out. Then it was time to go wait for Autographs in the Heroes Ballroom. This is where lots of Fangirlyness happened, Ginger, Nicole and I exchanged online info and talked about our favorite SPN fanfics!

The last event of the day was Jared Autographs! We were really rushed through at this point and it sucked that our photos weren't personalized, but Jared did have a flight to catch.

Well I said my goodbyes to my two new friends and we headed back home to Virginia. We left Florida at 4:30pm and arrived home at 4:30am the next day.

Last Two videos!

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*Ginger! Your question is 4:23 in!*

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I had an AWESOME Weekend. I'll never forget who I met, celebrity or not and I'll cherish the memories forever! I can't WAIT to go back!

Wow... that was really long... I started at noon today and it is now 11:21pm. I did go to a movie with Dante in between, but it took FOREVER for the videos to upload onto Youtube.

Well I hope you all Enjoy my report!

Look for my movie reviews of, Nim's Island, 21 and The Forbidden Kingdom, sometime this week!.


jared padalecki, eye-con, movie reviews 2008, fandom, supernatural, omgyay!

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