I wonder sometimes how much control we have over ourselves. Usually, I'm pretty decisively on the side of pretty much none at all. Not in a deterministic sense, so much as there are so many things that influence our behavior, some without our even realizing, that we can't have control. Our beliefs, our actions, our thoughts: all have been strongly influenced by those around us. I cannot even begin to think of how different I'd be if I grew up in a different town, or with a different family, or if I went to a different college.
But sometimes, it goes even beyond the influence that other people have on us. Having read a recent article about one of my favorite parasites (yes, I have a favorite parasite. I'm a biology/animal science person just as much as I'm a history/literature person.) and how Toxoplasma gondii may actually be able to affect our behavior (though it's long been known to affect behavior in rats), (
http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/03/how-your-cat-is-making-you-crazy/8873/) I feel that I have to ask how others feel? Do you think you are the arbiter of your actions? Or do you think that what you do is determined by someone or something else? Or somewhere in between? Are you like me and torn between how freaking cool this is and how creepy it is? Are you annoyed by my parenthetical comments?
(Also, Narnia people: Do you think that a cat-born mind-controlling parasite would be a thing in Narnia?)
TL;DR: Parasite known to make rats not fear cats may be linked to schizophrenia and other mental disorders in humans, among other effects. Thoughts?