Nov 17, 2009 17:56
I've recently decided that I don't like people.
I know that might be something that gets thrown around a bit in jest, but I really believe that I could go live in a cave somewhere alone and be happy.
There are three categories of people: ones I don't know, ones I'm acquainted with, and ones I'm friends with. If I don't know you, 90% of the time I'm automatically annoyed with you. If you're an acquaintance and we only talk about school/work/however we know each other, that drops to 50%. If we're friends, chances are we haven't seen each other in over a month (maybe more than six), and I'm depressed about it.
(Family, of course, is an entirely different category; they're only at 20%).
So OF COURSE I don't want to make new friends. We'll become acquaintances and I'll not hate you for a few weeks, then we'll be close and I'll be thrilled for however long that lasts and after a year or two (five max probably), one or both of us will wander off and I'll be all up night getting nostalgic and punching my pillow. All manly-like.
It's the same reason I can't have pets, really.