Please welcome Mac and Mojo!

May 05, 2013 23:54

A home isn't a home without kittehs. My home isn't, anyway. Since my dear Zaphod and Pippin departed last year, I have been healing and hoping for new friends to lavish with the love that my boys taught me to share.

Mr. Mervyn Softpaws has done much to comfort my loss, but he spends most of his time catting around the neighborhood. I began to yearn for close cuddles and purr-bandits.

Last Friday I was honored to be allowed to adopt two brothers into my home. Here they are:

Mac has white booties and sharp pointies. He's
a little bigger than his brother, but usually loses
the wrestling matches.

Mojo is quick and hard to catch in a picture. He
has a red patch on his little nugget and motley
patterns on his paws.

Mervyn and the lads talk and play through and under the door of the small room that has been designated 'Save Kitteh Zone'. They get out to explore while I am home.  They are both very good at using the litter box for what it is for. Yay!

I have scratches on my hands and bite-marks on my ankles. I haven't been this happy in months. I miss my lads. I tell my new boys about them and give them all the love I've learned from them.

photos, kittehs, life

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