Writing Round-Up 2011

Dec 28, 2011 18:28

I don't really know what to say about 2011 other than well, fuck. I had no idea that I had the capacity to write as much as I did before this year. It's entirely the fault of me discovering Sherlock at the start of the year and I'm just so, so thankful that I did. I've had the best time in this fandom and I just cannot wait for the second series ( Read more... )

fandom: general, writing

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Comments 2

whitmans_kiss December 28 2011, 18:45:59 UTC
Hee! I'm so excited to hear your total. I can't even... holey moley, girlie. That's rather a lot, isn't it? :D

I've still got you to thank - and endlessly so; don't think I'll ever stop thanking you - for the Sherlock fandom. It's a nice transition out of HP fandom to some extent. Remus and Sirius will always be it for me, at the end of the day, but having John and Sherlock (or, rather as is the case, Mycroft and Lestrade) for company is infinitely wonderful, yes.

So glad you're writing. Adore your work infinitely. You've got this twisty way of taking a paring knife, making a nick in one's heart, and then slowly whittling it down to the bare workings of veins and bleeding emotion, and all the while it's wonderful. ♥


lotherington December 29 2011, 11:06:34 UTC
It is rather a lot! I worked out that it was an average of 2,000 words p/w so I'm hoping to equal/surpass that next year!

Oh, you know there's no need to thank me! I'm just so thrilled you're coming along for the ride. :D

Also, ngh, you need to stop it with lovely comments like that! I'm very glad you like my writing. *Hugs forever and ever* <3


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