Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

Sep 17, 2011 11:23

Well. I LOVED it. All of the cast were brilliant and sexy, the script was wonderful, the sets/costumes/details perfect. I love films set in the twentieth century and they just got the seventies spot-on. Guillam's flares! Smiley's glasses! Haydon's coat and his teacups! Eee!

Mark Strong was particularly good, but really, I can't fault a single one of the cast. It was lovely having Kathy Burke pop up for a few minutes and BC and bespectacled!bisexual!Firth were certainly very, very easy on the eye (and ears, can't forget that I love a bit of voice porn).

I adored the end sequence too, and I feel really shallow because I've not read the book or seen the TV series but bloody hell do I want fic.

Actually there aren't any serious spoilers under the cut, just a bit of fangirling/general perving. I'm going to re-size some of my pictures from the premiere/London today so there should be a picspam at some point. :D

fandom: general, fandom: squee

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