(no subject)

Sep 14, 2011 07:29

I'm leeching an awful internet connection from a restaurant in Finchley atm so this may or may not post, but guys, seriously, the Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy premiere was SO. BLOODY. EXCITING. Gary Oldman spoke to me and I got Colin Firth's autograph and Tom Hardy's and I nearly got Benedict Cumberbatch's, but he went off to speak to the press. I've got dozens of pictures of varying quality so I'll put the best ones up for you to see when I get back on Thursday! It was just amazing, I'm still buzzing about it this morning! Also I appear to be in the back of the BBC reports from the 30 seconds of Gary Oldman's interview that the internet's managed, which is quite amusing.

I'm having a brilliant time so far and will catch up with comments etc when I've got a decent connection. Got to get dressed now to get into central London in the rush hour, boo, but it means I get an early start on my epic day of exploring. :D

Hope you're all well! <3
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