A few bits and pieces

Aug 28, 2011 10:30

The ever-wonderful laurab1 has made me a gif of The Detective's TARDIS and a gorgeous graphic for the WWII AU! Thank you so much! :D

The fabulous blanketforyourshock over at Tumblr made a fake book cover for Whole and Unbroken (the leap year fic) as part of her Sherlock Fandom Classics series. I was absolutely thrilled!

My homegirl whitmans_kiss made some ridiculously awesome cheerleading graphics for when I had a marathon fic-writing weekend a while ago. They're genius and you have her blessing to use them at will.

And last but by no means least, The Detective has been translated into Chinese by serotinous69! You can find that here.

I feel so lucky to be part of such brilliant fandoms. You all rock harder than geology. Thanks guys. :) ♥

fandom: general, writing, fandom: sherlock, art, verse: the detective, fic

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