put your best foot forward ... 2008?

May 04, 2007 12:45

An interesting fact ... Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton are currently leading the polls in their separate Republican and Democratic parties for 2008 presidential candidates. Both of these candidates currently hold or have held office in the state of New York.

Other than political stances, issues that will come up during Hilary's campaign will include her low profile in the House, in her past with the Whitewater scandal, and basic issues for being married to a two-timer (yet still popular) Bill Clinton.

Rudy has a list controversies including, his three marriages (including his annulled first marriage to a woman who was really his second-cousin and his second marriage where he had extramarital relationship with Judith Nathan, who later became his third wife), this connections for the Mob (see Bernard Kerik), his "Muzzle Award" that he got for his anti-free-speech policies (see his fight with Brooklyn Museum as one example), his shady deals with penny stock firms, as well as lack of response to air quality after 9/11.

So, which one will you vote for?

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