First thing, I am still alive. I have not updated over a week because I still do not have internet at home. I just cannot see paying for service when I have not paid all of the rent yet. I am getting rather behind. With losing my job to layoffs again, I cannot see us catching up until we get our tax returns next year.
Until then, I will try to at least post once a week or so. I have some back logged illustrations to post ...
The US Senate health care bill will face a key test vote Saturday. Experts are saying it will not pass due to the strong language against federal funding of abortion in the House version that passed earlier this month. Time to dust off my
Illustration Friday drawing I did for "strong".
I drew this one for an advertisement that ran in the Stockbridge Sun Times. They wanted a 80's Madonna type looking girl.
Sesame Street celebrates its 40th anniversary this month. I guess it is also time to dust off my
Word of the Day Illustration drawing I did for "abecedarian".
Also, I got this in my e-mail and thought I would share. The holidays are just around the corner and BAM! would make a nice gift for the comic lover on your list ...
My suggestions:
Pages: 500 pages, 6" x 9", perfect binding, black and white interior
Price: only $14.94
Comics: about 75
Artists: David Recine, Ian Harker, Jaime Underwood, Darryl Ayo Brathwaite, David DeGrand, Joe Kletz, Glenn Smith, Art Baxter, K. Thor Jensen, Nick Potter, Jon Sperry, Alex Whitington, Tim O'Brien, Ryan Hamilton, Les McClaine, Mark Lone, Kennedy Rose, Jeff Allard, Ron LeBrasseur, Clint Cure, Anthony Acri, Bob Corby, Ben Hutchings, Ian Stacey, Jeremy Woods, Johann Hoff, Michael Hoff, Indira Neville, Mark Campos, Nikholis Planck, Nathan Rice, Blaise Larmee, Sarah Morean, Douglas Noble, Ryan McLelland, H.C. Noel, Stan Yan, Adam Casey, Mandy Ord, John Peters, Erik Northfell, Barry Rowe, Joseph Hewitt, Alex Kobayashi, Charllotte Anderson, Keep Server, Alfred Twu, Phyllis Chan, Christine Pointeau, Barry Rodges, David Robertson, One Neck, Casey Camp, Shane Patrick Boyle, Dave Bradbury, Kirby Bradbury Mills, Jess Johnson, J.M. Hunter, Kim Nyholm, Tim Molloy, Tim Danko, Ingeborg Hendrickson, Kurt Beaulieu, Jonathan Baylis, Mister Alan, David Beyer Jr., Shannon Smith
Link: Pages: 109 pages, 7.44" x 9.68", perfect binding, black and white interior
Price: $19.50
Artist: Jessica Fink
Link: Pages: 132 pages, 6.63" x 10.25", perfect binding, black and white interior
Price: $7.14
Created and Illustrated by: Steven Harrison, Written by Adam White
Link: 6 Books:Jay's Days: Pasta Shop Lothario, Jason Marcy's Book of Hate, 365 Days With Jay: The First Five Years of Jason Marcy's Journal Comic , Where I've Been and Want To Be, Jason Marcy's Marcy Musings: Always the Same, and My Day in the Life of Jay
Price: from $10.00-25.00
Artists: Written and drawn by Jason Marcy.
Guest appearance from Angelle Barbazon, Roxanne Bielskis, Brian "Box" Brown, J.K. Carrier, Nelson Danielson, Alan David Doane, Kira Dakota Doane, Steve Edmond, Gary Esposito, Andrew Foster, Mike Gagnon, Jamie Dee Galey, Jenny Gonzalez, Astor Gravelle, Ron Gravelle, Edward Grug III, Jeremy Kaposy, Tim Kelly, John MacLeod, Emily Marcy, Pat Marcy, Scott McClung, Joe Meyer, Sarah Morean, Eric F. Myers, Charles Pechonick, Paul Quinn, Matthew Reidsma, Danny Santos, Ben Shannobn, Dave Sherrill, Ive Sorocuk, Shannon Wheeler, Anthonoy Woodward, Dan Wyke and Chip Zdarsky
Link: Pages: 76 pages, 8.5" x 11", perfect binding, full-color interior
Price: $24.72
Artist: Eric F Myers
Link: Pages: 24 pages, 6" x 9", saddle-stitch binding, black and white interior
Price: $6.47
Artist: Anthony Woodward
Link: Got any more to add to the list?