Jun 11, 2011 09:59
With the number of kids with ADHD, aspergers syndrome, bi-polar disorder, OCD, ODD, and other so called mental illnesses on the rise, it makes me wonder when the norm will shift?
Are we moving to a new normal? Or perhaps better put, a new average?
Many of these kids, and young adults, have higher IQs, and aside from problems in social interactions, they excel. And so, the problem is what?
The problem is that while they are very capable academically, we still live in a social world that expects people to interact a certain way. Things may be changing. Social media has allowed many of these people to actually interact with like-minded people without the effort of always interacting within expected norms. Many who are introverts are now able to have a form of extravert-ness because they are no longer bound by the physical limitations that come with social interactions.
I see a new society arising, eventually; one where people interact more electronically with less reliance on face to face. I know this horrifies many. But honestly, life is about enjoying the time we have, not about causing anxiety for people who can't fit in. My question to these people who freak out at the idea of someone interacting socially primarily online is, how does this affect you? Does it reduce your quality of life? Then why would you limit someone else's quality of life for your "social norms"??? Honestly!
I have long had problems with the intolerant. Those who can't tolerate people who aren't "normal" are pathetic, IMHO! We ask our children as they mature to become more tolerant of social norms, and less child-like. Perhaps this is about my rebellious thinking, that parents should stop expecting kids to come up to their level and instead the parents should come down to the level of their kids. It's selfish. The idea that "It's my way, or the highway!" is a very selfish attitude, especially for an adult. These people need to grow up.
I've discovered this is true among churches as well. When I was part of a fundamentalist group that took the bible literally, we would put down churches that were "watered down" forms of christianity. What I have since learned is that those so called "watered down" churches are, for the most part, more mature. They don't attack those that aren't like them. They aren't intolerant. They are more accepting of differences. They allow people to find their own way within the teachings of the bible. We don't all have to agree with each other to have unity. We accept that everyone has to come to their own convictions with regard to their own lives.
Perhaps this is the just the pisces in me talking. lol