Lost HOHOHO Wrap Up and Author Reveal!

Jan 01, 2010 02:03

Happy New Year, Lost Fans!

Here at lostsquee we’re ringing in 2010 by revealing the authors who wrote Lost HOHOHO stories! Check out the updated MASTER LIST to find out who your Santa is and who all the Santas are who wrote the fantastic fic this exchange has produced. Santas, of course this means that it’s now time to reply to your comments, and you are free to post your fic to your journals and to the comms.

If you haven’t perused the fic written for Lost HOHOHO yet, now’s the time to do so. Take a bit of time, read some new Lost fic, leave the author a nice comment - that’s a pretty awesome way to welcome the new year.

There are three new fics posted as well, so if you didn’t receive a fic in the regular round, there’s one posted for you now.

Thanks to everyone who participated for making this challenge a success, and a very special thanks to our wonderful pinch-hitters who made sure that no one went without a story. Here's hoping each and every one of you Lost HOHOHOers - and all the lostsquee members - have a 2010 filled with happiness, good health and prosperity - and that the new year brings each of us a satisfactory final season of Lost!

Your mods,

zelda_zee and toestastegood

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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