Surprise! by
inthekeyofd for
southernwolfe, ensemble, G
Summary: Hurley really can find out anything, including birthdays, like Jack’s birthday. Believe it or not, he’s quite the party organizer as well, let’s all hope that Jack likes it, how could he not, even Sawyer participated.
Homeward Bound by
elliotsmelliot for
colourmayfade, Juliet, Sawyer, Daniel, Miles, Jin, young Ben, Jacob, early Juliet/Sawyer, PG-13
Summary: A year in the life of Juliet Burke, circa 1974.
Wandering Down the Wrong Aisle by
lostpuffin for
jenthegypsy, Desmond, mentions of Penny, Little Charlie, Claire, Ben, PG
Summary: Desmond goes grocery shopping but finds more than just peanut butter.
Detention to Dinner by
key_sama for
soda_and_capes, Ben, Locke, Sawyer, mentions of others, PG
Summary: Ben finds it all too easy to get under John's skin during their stay in Dharmaville. Missing scenes from Locke's rule during season four.
by what eternal streams by
valhalla37 for
primarycolors92, Daniel, Theresa, Eloise, Charlotte (implied Daniel/Theresa, Daniel/Charlotte), PG
Summary: Later that night he wakes up half-slumped against the bathtub, tiles filmed with steam and water still gushing, red pooled against gleaming porcelain, soaking his beard, trickling from his hairline. The plane ticket -- perched on his dresser, covered in a month's worth of dust -- gets cashed the next day.
floating away by
krilymcc for
lostpuffin, Desmond, PG
Summary: Desmond, his 'lost' days on the boat as he tried to leave the island, stuck in the 'bloody snow globe'
Empty Hourglasses by
primarycolors92 for
elliotsmelliot, Richard, Ben, Eloise, Charles Widmore, PG
Summary: Richard takes care of business in more ways than one.
In the Forest of the Night by
jenthegypsy for
eponine119, Juliet, Sawyer, Ben, PG
Summary: Sometimes bad things happen in fairy tales, but they aren't always what they seem.
A Handful of Dust by
aurilly for
hitlikehammers, Juliet, Richard, Ben, Tom, Goodwin, PG
Summary: Juliet acclimates to life on the island.
The Other Half Lives by
tellshannon815 for
placating, Ana Lucia, Sayid, Nadia, Walt, Vincent, Johnny, Hurley, Michael, Kate, Claire, Jack, Boone, Shannon, Charlie, Sawyer, Locke, Helen, Juliet, Libby, Jin, Sun, PG-13
Summary: Those who were in 1977 remember everything that happened before the reset. Those who weren't, don't.
In Flight Service by
motorcyclesfly for
key_sama, Jack/Ben, NC-17
Summary: Jack Shephard's flights never go as expected...
And the Highway is My Home by
janie_tangerine for
toestastegood, Kevin/Sawyer; Kate, Edward Mars and Jacob also appear, NC-17
Summary: Sawyer nods and swallows, trying to block out the fact that being stuck on the run from the Marshal he killed one time that didn’t happen, with Freckles’ former husband, who’s there because he tried to bail her out and then he bailed Sawyer out, isn’t funny at all. It actually sounds like a bad soap opera, but he won’t go dwelling on that.
Home is Where the Heart Is by
haldoor for
fosfomifira, Jack/Sawyer/Sayid, NC-17
Summary: Jack and Sayid live happily in Connecticut, with Sawyer visiting occasionally. This time around, he has some news to share about his future that may affect all of them.
Big Bad Wolf by
gottalovev for
janie_tangerine, Damon Salvatore/Jack Shephard (The Vampire Diaries cross-over), NC-17
Summary: Just his luck, though, Damon had been unceremoniously dunked on an island that took fucked up to new levels - polar bears and smoke monsters, anyone? - with a bunch of morons.
It's Always Darkest Before Dawn by
toestastegood for
gottalovev, Sawyer/Kevin, Jacob/Miles, fusion with Supernatural, PG-13
Summary: After a police officer kills several of her colleagues, hunters Sawyer and Miles come into town to investigate. Kevin soon finds himself in danger.
A house, a home by
fosfomifira for
haldoor, Sawyer/Sayid, NC-17
Summary: A house, they discover, is easy enough to make. Building a home, a constant challenge.
Cookies & Cream by
haldoor for
inthekeyofd, Jack/Sawyer, NC-17
Summary: Jack bakes cookies and Sawyer wants to check they're edible.
the rain may yet wash away sins by
angeldylan628 for
paralyzer11, Kate/Juliet, PG-13
Summary: For a second, all their sins are forgotten.
turn the snowglobe upside-down by
angela_weber for
phelipa, Claire/Juliet(/Dan), Aaron, PG-13
Summary: Claire, Juliet, and Aaron are living happily in Ann Arbor, years after the island. Claire tries to forget, but Dan and Juliet won’t let her.
have yourself a merry little christmas by
mollivanders for
valhalla37, Dan/Charlotte, Charles/Eloise, Penny/Desmond, R
Summary: Daniel and Charlotte don’t remember, but they find each other anyway. And then some.
If I'm Just Bad News, Then You're a Liar by
emiliglia for
hendercats, Sawyer/Juliet, R
Summary: They're just two broken people trying to accept how well their pieces fit with each other.
Nor Forsake You by
hendercats for
823freckles, Sawyer/Juliet, PG
Summary: Explores the few weeks immediately following The Incident.
Think Twice by
bubbles91083 for
angeldylan628, Charlie/Claire, Desmond/Claire, Desmond/Penny, M
Summary: Claire finds herself in a situation that she would never have expected and keeping a secret that she’s not sure she can keep any more. A secret that if revealed will cause not only her world to implode, but that of every single person that she holds dear.
Only Fools are Enslaved by Time and Space by
ozmissage for
irishunicorn03, Jack/Kate; Sawyer, Jacob, and Esau, R
Summary: They saw the end before the beginning. They just didn’t realize it until it was too late.
never say your name out loud by
crickets for
bubbles91082, Sawyer/Claire, R
Summary: "If you never say your name out loud to anyone. They can never ever call you by it."
From a Safe Distance by
placating for
lenina20, Kate/Sawyer, PG
Summary: Trading one island for another, Kate builds a new life.
For Love of You by
lost_constant for
motorscyclesfly, Ben/Annie, NC-17
Summary: It is amazing the things a man will do in order to save those he loves.
there was no future left by
tokenblkgrl for
missy_useless, Jack/Claire, mentions of Charlie, Kate, and Juliet, R
Summary: She ends up exactly where she was before.
What's Done is Done by
ella_bee for
tellshannon815, Juliet/Sawyer, G
Summary: He was staring at the calendar again.
put out the fire (with gasoline) by
colourmayfade for
aurilly, Sayid/Juliet, R
Summary: He opens the note in the safety of his room and finds two names scribbled inside: the first is a man and the second, an Italian hotel. Sayid can figure out the rest.
The Question by
eponine119 for
emiliglia, Sawyer/Juliet, PG-13
Summary: Sawyer's still coming to terms with his new life.
I’m going to find a time to catch your hand and make you stay by
phelipa for
krilymcc, Sawyer/Juliet, R
Summary: Reset!fic, aftermath of “The Incident”.
Afford No Better Term Than This by
soda_and_capes for
lost_constant, mostly one-sided Ben/Juliet, PG
Summary: He thinks about reaching out and tracing the spaces between her fingers, filling in the negative space with his intrusive presence.
Forgiveness by
tellshannon815 for
stolen_kisses87, Jack/Shannon, PG-13
Summary: Jack vows to do whatever it takes to protect Shannon after he finds out about their pre-crash connection during their button duty shift.
perfect halo of gold hair and lightning by
lenina20 for
mollivanders, Charles/Eloise, PG-13
Summary: AU. They get to the island by sailboat; they get to the island by accident.
Sideways by
irishunicorn03 for
angela_weber, Jack/Kate, PG-13
Summary: It wasn't all misery,but then again....
The Best Is Over (The Worst Has Just Begun) by
hitlikehammers for
tokenblkgirl, Jack/Ana Lucia, R
Summary: She told him that the worst was over.
Gate C22 by
823freckles for
ozmissage, James/Juliet, R
Summary: Post-The Incident reunion fic.
7 Deadly by
eponine119 for
ella_bee, Sawyer/Shannon, PG-13
Summary: Shannon and Sawyer circle each other.
Mixed Pairings
Dust in Our Lungs by
missy_useless for
crickets, Jack/Claire/Sawyer, PG-13
Summary: It's a makeshift home. They have nowhere else to go.