May 16, 2009 16:13
April Book List:
Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix
...I finished Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince last week - I'm not necessarily including it in April's book list, but I read most of it then.
So, we finally went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine. We originally planned to go see it the Friday it came out, but last minute realized it was a friend's birthday PLUS she had a piece in a local art show. It was actually pretty cool because Mayor Karl Dean showed up & Erin got a picture with him in front of her painting! :)
Apparently we're not meant to see the movie though, lol. We got 2/3 through it (possibly more) & the power went out from the storm we're having. Well, they couldn't get the projectors back up & if/when they did, they would have to start the movie we got free tickets for later. I told Ryan we should go see Star Trek & when it's over sneak into a theatre showing Wolverine & watch the rest, heh. That was our first time at the new movie theatre though, it was beautiful! LOL, that's so weird to say of a movie theatre, but it was just so nice.
I wanted to cry at the end when it was like '2010. The final season begins.'
I told Ryan to fill the 'void' in my life, especially since I will get a break after May from watching the Church kids on Wednesday nights (after 2 years! :P), that I'm going to start over from Season 1 & watch an episode every Wednesday, heh. Season 5 comes out on DVD in December, as ususal.
A week from Monday we'll be in Oklahoma! Vacation! I'm so excited. We'll get a full week there this time :)
I am NOT excited about the drive back (we're flying over, but driving back...long story). I don't like being in a car for a long period of time, so I keep warning Ryan this will really test how much he loves me.
I have a graduation to go to (in Murfreesboro...why is everything so far from me? UGH) & Ryan has a show to play in (in Franklin, talk about opposite sides of Nashville). Honestly, I'm so tired & it's so yucky outside, I just want to stay in & be lazy. *sigh* Not to mention Church, lessons (Ryan), & a friend's wedding reception tomorrow. Gotta stay busy before vacation, I guess! Luckily, we have cleaning day this Friday which means jeans at the office. It's the little things that count :D
In the meantime, I have tore up half my house getting my fitness room together (it's painted, but it still doesn't look right, so Ryan's having a friend who's a foreman for a paint company come over & see what he can do) & my mom helped me by getting the wallpaper down from my room/master bathroom 2 weeks ago. My house is a mess :P Unfortunately, we'll have to wait till post-Oklahoma to get it all back together again. Oh well, a few weeks won't hurt since I've been sitting on this project for 3 years, heh.