Anna M. Mazur's "Handbag Workshop" is full of great ideas for making bags. It's nearly impossible for me to find a bag to purchase in a store that has the storage and/or organization components that I need. Even though I haven't made a bag as described in the book, I've been able to take different ideas and components from multiple patterns to create the bag I need.
There are a variety of projects for all skill levels, but if you are a beginner, most of these projects probably wouldn't be suitable. The explanations for different styles and shapes were helpful. However, many of these patterns use materials that I wouldn't use (like leather) and are complicated -- too much work and too many steps. I understand the fashion aspects of bags, but I need bags that are durable and can take the rough use that I give them.
Overall, there are some useful concepts for making bags in this book, but I probably wouldn't purchase this book at the store. There are many more patterns and ideas online through blogs and crafting communities that would fit my needs.
I received a free copy of this ebook through
NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.