So, been gaming the past week? Don't know for sure...

Jul 16, 2012 20:49

  Lol, for the past week, maybe two, I have been playing my N64 Harvest Moon game. It's like FarmVille, but way better and it came out before that stupid social game. <.< I hate FarmVille with a passion, but that's not why I'm posting today, Harvest Moon 64 is. So the game came out in I think 1998 or 1999, and its a continued version or set in the same realm of the original Harvest Moon. And has since then spawn multiple sequels and spin-offs. Its a cult hit so I wont blame anyone of not knowing what I'm talking about. The game, the one I'm playing currently, is a farming and I guess dating stimulation game. Starts off with your grandfather pasting away and you inheriting the farm and his dog, and you have I believe just two years to get it up and running before your father returning to sell it all off. That dick-y lawyer man <.<. Anyways, you might think that's not that hard, but it is, very if your a beginner like me. I had bought this game, god 7 yrs ago? About then, but never got past the first year of the game(which is just four months, see hard only 30 days to do shit). I have other gaming systems and games that don't challenge me this hard like this did, and add on top of school, soccer, two jobs and social life and sleep; I didn't think it was worth the effort to beat it.

So, I lost track of the point of this post. You get two years(8 months) to get your farm up and running, and wooing a girl to marry, before your father sells the place and the game ends. Jack's(that's the name, unless you type differently) grandfather past and left the farm to either you or your father and his dog, Jiro/Korro(again whatever you name it). The farms over run with weed, tree stumps and rock(don't know why the last?). You start off with the basic tools of the trade and 300g(and the dog, mustn't forget the useless dog). See it stops off at a disadvantage, at least give me the 2nd day(its not fair, my loving, kind, what his name?, grandpa just died) not the odd 3rd day. You get five girls to pick and chose to marry, and have a kid. Yes, you get a kid to add to the pile of responsibility, I hope your happy lawyer dad. Your son lost his grandfather that you didn't make in time to send off, gain a useless dog, received a in shambles farm, and now got married young and had a kid. Only by 2005 or so did this game get guided help from other players that have played/still playing it. Also the clock for the game runs fast which is kinda lame in the beginning or in general. The people who made this installment where sadistic, making you pick and chose what to get done that day and ignore others things that needs to get done too. As a fact I'm in the process of writing my own version of gaming guide to the list in the web of HM64. 

gaming, venting, life ramblings, rambling

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