Sep 18, 2005 18:53
Voice your opinion about SB849, the gender neutral, same-sex marriage bill that Governor Schwarzenegger is now considering, and has indicated he will veto.
We may not change his veto, but it is important to always take the opportunity to make a statement and make our presence known...if California recognizes same-sex marriage, it will have a huge influence around the country.
Please do not stay quiet during these important times.
It's all automated, you don't have to talk to anyone,
just follow these directions!!
The call takes less than one minute.
Please call Governor Schwarzenegger at 1-916-445-2841
then push 2, then push 1, and then push 1 to support gay marriage!
It's that simple! Cast your VOTE!
And you don't have to be a resident of California.
Repost this Bulletin after you call to all the people in your address book.