(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 21:25

im sitting here and I saw a picture on my google sidebar of FCCLA Nashville and it was cute i started surfing pictures
and I saw zak

and then i remember
how I had promised him i would buckle my seatbelt when i was in a car

and I remember when I promised someone I wouldn't smoke cigerates
and i remember when I swore i wouldn't smoke pot

and then i remember how i said drinking wasnt for me

and now

I realized

its Crystal Clear

I shouldn't make unrealistic promises

because I knew when i told zak the second i told him "ill wear my seatbelt for you"

its thoughtful

its a good thought plan
but its not realistic
because I hate wearing my seatbelt if im a passenger
and it really depends on my fucking mood
I know everyone hates me by now for fucking up their friends page by hitting enter each sentence but each enter key is a new thought in my brain
so go with it
if im pissed off - i wont put it on or i more i wont think of putting my seat belt on
but on a good day I naturally out of habit grab for the seatbelt and catch myself doing it and im like "oh wait i told myself i wasnt going to wear it"

So i dont know where i can stand on this issue where sometimes i wear it and other times I dont

I wish it wasnt a law because i dont like having pressure from an invisible eye saying "wear it!"

I think it should be a choice to use something that protects me from myself
its like smoking - if i choose to inhale i'm choosing to slowly kill myself in return for a lil buzz

its my choice just like wearing a seatbelt -weather it saves my life or not - should be my choice

if you want to call this a free country and a free society stop trying to protect me from me

just like Tobacco, Alcohol and Mary jane

Alcohol kills about 50,000 every year
Tobacco kills about 440,000 every year
Mary Jane 0 in the history of mankind
it simply is not toxic enough it could not kill

but fuck the numbers lets make it illegal anyway

if its a free society and a free country why is the government limiting the kinds of MIND ALTERING drugs that I can voluntarily put into my body

I can drink alcohol and get plastered and die of liver failure, I can smoke cigerates and die of lung cancer but I cant smoke a blunt

I'm gonna go drink because this whole deal with missy has me pissed off. and i needed a reason to rant

and fuck your friends page jamie.

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