Lima Public Library
my account is BDMAZ
i have an issue with your library.
I went in to the main branch and told some woman at the front desk that I had LOST the book on my account that was over due by about 2 weeks. She told me that they no longer marked books as LOST the only way i could stop the fine was to FIND the book i LOST and return it and well haha its only 5 cents a day. That is asinine and I refuse to pay book fees on a book that no longer is in my possession and I dont agree to pay movie rental fees when I could have used that money to BUY the DVDs myself. That is completely asinine to charge 1 dollar a day.
I have no reason to ever use the Lima Library again. They have never been polite or helpfull.
you can let that book sit on my account and let it add on .05 everyday because You will never see a penny out of my pocket. I have better things to spend my money on like FOOD, RENT, and CAR INSURANCE
and tell your stupid computer to stop emailing my late fees because I do not care to have it in my inbox.
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