Apr 03, 2005 14:43
Okay, I know ive had weird dreams before, but this definitely tops it, bc im still confused about everything. It felt like I woke up drunk (when all I had was a few sips of Danielle’s beer (bc that’s what I was offered…. For other reasons that we shall not get into)… but I couldn’t remember what happened..
I dreamed that I was in my bed at home… and I had a different phone instead of the mommy one… just a new one really…and it was plugged in and charging… but the phone was under my pillow… and it started going off…and I had a bunch of text messages…but this one text message was from my mom while she was at work and it was something to the effect that I was grounded and she couldn’t believe that I would do something like that.. and other words that I don’t remember and that I was in a lot of trouble when she came home… then responded with what the fuck did I do?.. and never got anything back… but I was trying to remember the night before. .and why I was in my bed at home and not in school… then my mom came home and I got yelled at…but I don’t know what it was for… I was just getting yelled at…
Then it flashed to us all of a sudden being at my aunts house and I had a camera phone that had this ball on it that you moved around to scroll through your phone and I was looking at pictures from the night before and it had some movie time on it too and it was a scene from in this club, and it image was as if it was from a persons point of view who was on acid… and everything was multi colored and swirly and moving slowly around…. And then I saw a my friend dave b. from home on it…and then he was all of a sudden in my aunts house.. (???????)….and I asked if we had been to a club the night b4, and my cuz’s said yes we did…. And then I saw an image of myself standing on the top of a bar…but it only lasted a second….and then flashed away
Then it flashed to a graduation ceremony…and it was bizarre bc it was my 8th grade class…and it was kinda like a re-enactment of the graduation…. Only, there was no cap and gown for me… I was the only one with out it… and I was running through the halls… in heels and all.. looking for it… and dave m. was there… with my parents… (???)… and the last thing I remember is looking out the window and it was a sunny day.. absolutely gorgeous… and then I just woke up…