I watch two pigeons making love. It signifies nothing.

Dec 18, 2006 16:04

Guh. I need to slow down with the partying/being out every night. Seriously taking a toll on me now. I haven't been sleeping that well and all I've been doing to aide that is by drinking more. Fantastic. The only good thing to come out of all this is that I'm writing again. I guess not sleeping and being in a half-living daze at all times is my muse. Well if thats what I must do... I'm actually liking my writing right now. Which is insane b/c I can't stand it normally. I've been picking up old half finished stories and editing them, then giving them some more life by writing a paragraph or so. Its coming together piece by piece. Hopefully in another few days or a week I'll have something to show the people that I normally share my writing with/my writing community. So good times.

Last night was fun. Katie came by. She found a guitar in the garbage and brought it back to my house. Its interesting b/c its like not badly damaged or anything. Its missing like 2 strings and the neck is a little cracked. But who knows maybe someone can fix it. So we sat around for awhile and then Dan brought his bf over and we all chilled and made brownies. Thats what the cool kids are doing. Watched Adult Swim blablabla. Didn't start drinking till about 3 in the morning. In which I began chugging as much as booze as possible. Not my smartest idea ever. But what are you gonna do. It was good times. Called some people. Then randomly messaged someone on facebook telling them how I want to have sex with them. I know this b/c when I was walking around this morning I noticed I had a new sent message in my folder. Fantastic. I kinda remember watching old Star Trek episodes but I cant really remember.


Anyway, got no sleep again. Just kinda passed out for 5 minutes then jumped awake. Then around 8 my friend texted me to tell me he got the Wii. And then I was too bitter to get back to sleep. O yea. The bitterness and the construction. Fucking construction. Its like down the road and I can hear it perfectly some mornings. Goddamn. Time to drug myself into a coma!
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